I've always been a big believer in soulmates. The idea that there is someone out there, somewhere, who fits you perfectly is too romantic to resist.
Growing up, I always dreamed about what it would be like to find my other half, the one I was made for, to finally find the person with whom I would instantly click on every level imaginable.
My views have changed since then.
I still believe in soulmates, but that very word has been redefined, shaped by experiences and wisdom from others (mostly the internet, let's be real).
I can't even say that I believe there's "someone out there for each of us," because I know there are many people throughout the world who just aren't interested in people in that way. If they don't want a romantic or sexual relationship, then God didn't necessarily create a spouse for them.
And not everyone is supposed to get married. See: every Christian man and woman in history who has accomplished great things for the Kingdom while being single (i.e., Corrie ten Boom, Amy Carmichael, Mary Slessor, the four daughters of Philip who were prophetesses, David Brainerd, Brother Lawrence, the apostle Paul, etc.).
So when I say that I believe in soulmates, what I mean is that I believe there's someone out there for us, yes, but not exactly a romantic someone.
And I don't think finding those soulmates should be viewed as the pinnacle of our lives, either.
Soulmates are not your "other half." You are a whole person on your own; you don't need another human being to complete you.
The only One you were made for is Christ, and relationship with Him is what completes us. We don't need a special person to do so.
When it comes to soulmates, you're less someone looking for their other half, and more like a sock looking for its pair in a matched set.
You're a whole sock on your own and work well when paired with other socks. You just happen to work even better when you're paired with a sock that matches.
A soulmate is not someone who completes you; it's someone who makes your soul point to your twin designs and excitedly say, "!!!!! samesies!!"
That's why your soulmate doesn't even have to be romantic.
That's probably the most well-known type and the one everyone thinks of when they hear the word "soulmate," but as you go about your life, you'll find that there are many different possible types of soulmates you can have.
There are music taste soulmates, TV show soulmates, hobby soulmates, artist soulmates, getting together for coffee soulmates, etc.
A soulmate doesn't just have to be your significant other. They can be your friend, sibling, parent, teacher, mentor, whoever.
And you will have multiple soulmates of varying types.
Because a soulmate is just somebody who matches you in some area, someone with whom your souls develop a deep, beautiful bond. And that could be anyone.
I'm still looking forward to the day I meet the man God has planned for me to marry, but I'm not expecting him to connect with me on every level.
I have other soulmates for that.