"I have never been so happy in my life." "I can't get it off my mind." "I really do believe it is meant to be." "I fall more in love every day." These are the types of phrases I have been saying nonstop for the past couple of weeks. I honestly don't feel like I have been so in love in my life. I am at a place that brings me nothing but pure joy. The best part of this joy though is that is purely for myself. I am talking about a relationship, but I am not talking about your ordinary relationship. This is the relationship I have with my passion, my career aspiration, and what I believe I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
I had always heard people talk about finding something you loved and making a career out of it. The quote is that if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. I never thought it was possible to find something that I felt that way about. I definitely didn't think it was possible to find so much of a passion for something that I desire to do nothing other than soaking it up like a sponge. I am living my dream. But my dream has barely even begun.
One of the scariest parts about college is the unknown. Everything about college is betting on your future and betting on yourself. It is difficult to stick your neck out with the hope that you will turn into something worthwhile. All of the classes mush into a giant pile of knowledge that seems to be never ending. The resume builds and the service hours grow. The future talks become more evident, and the future becomes more now.
I guess I am lucky that I get the chance to test the waters with what I want to pursue before jumping fully in. I am lucky that I have a group of people around me that is always so supportive. I am lucky that I have so many on my staff that believe in me so much more than I ever will. I am lucky.
I always dreamed the impossible as a kid, but now I am watching as my oldest childhood dream is coming true. I love my friends. I love my job. I love my life. I am growing more and more in love every day. I have finally found my place.
At the end of the day, I don't know what the future holds. Four years of college will blow by all for a piece of paper on graduation day. That piece of paper signifies hard work, but that piece of paper guarantees me nothing. I know that my major is not the easiest to be in. I know that certain things with my job are changing. I know that the future is unknown. The future would be unknown no matter what I did. So I will continue to work hard for that piece of paper in hopes that it will give me everything while working like it will give me nothing. I hope to continue living this amazing journey pursuing something that I love, but if not it was worth it in the right now. I am in love. I can't get it off my mind. It is meant to be. I have finally found my place.