Every day new babies are born with fresh starts and nothing but endless possibilities. Those babies could be the people one day who cure cancer, decrease the rate of global warming, become doctors, lawyers, astronauts, and so many more. With a limited amount of time on Earth, I think everyone should make the most of it. We should strive to be the best person that we can be. We should strive to make the largest impact possible on the people around us and the communities in which we live in. Anyone can be anything and this is why we should dream big dreams for ourselves.
From the time children are born, they should be encouraged. Parents should push their children to dream up amazing possibilities for themselves and really encourage them and support whatever it is they decide. Even if it seems distant and hard to reach, a child can achieve anything with hard work and dedication, which is what they should be told. Children not only have their whole futures ahead of them, but they are the future themselves.
Many times people make excuses for living a life that falls short of their dreams. Lack of money, support, timing problems, age, and so many more. It is time to throw those excuses aside and get out and pursue those dreams you have been putting on the back burner. Whether you’re seven or seventy there is still many accomplishments to be made!
Dreams come in all shapes and sizes. Some people wish to become president of the United States of America, where others hope to run a half marathon. There are those who wish to invent new technology and some who want to be the best parent they can be. Many want to earn an A on their next test while others want to be in the Army. These are all dreams. For each person dreams come with different paths, intensities, and amounts of dedication it takes to achieve them. So, sit down and figure out your dreams. How do you want to better yourself in the next week? How do you want to positively change your lifestyle? What achievements will make you happy and impact your attitude and pride? Once you figure it out, go get them! Walk that mile everyday or learn to cook that recipe. Start perusing that hobby you have been wanting to try or ask your boss for the raise you deserve. Our lives can always be improved and we should always try to better ourselves.
Being a college student, I am surrounded everyday by people striving to become something great. Students who are studying to become doctors, software engineers, teachers, authors, and endless more. It is inspiring to be surrounded by people who are studying to become something great. People all around me are learning to impact the world in the way they feel is important. Everyone should be inspired, always. Not just on New Years, or when we watch an inspiring movie. We should inspire ourselves to be the best we can be everyday!