Being a person who forever believes in giving to others, no matter what they give back to you can come with many blessings- but can also come with curses. The first curse is not being able to identify when another human being is genuine and true. Second curse is to allow for that other person to send you blessings. And honestly just assuming that they are too good to be true. Now, if we were to analyze why humans think like this, it often ties into our culture, our family dynamics/ morals/ values/ religion and our spirituality.
Digging into these things can easily reveal why we cannot accept a good thing when it is in front of us. But if you think about a flower, when it first starts off, it is just a seed. Not all that glamorous, but still very powerful. It can grow into a gorgeous rose garden (eventually) or a strong, tall and firm tree. The thing that is easy to get caught up in is how fast the garden grows. We often compare gardens with our neighbors and wonder why mine is not reaching the heights like Jermaine's garden next door? We often look at the negatives rather than the small positives. Some people, like myself, like instant results and when one does not receive those results- I literally beat myself up in my mind because I am always competing. Whether that be with myself, my neighbor or even a family member.
Friendly competition can be good for your soul but also exhausting/ confusing when you do not know if your friendly competition means well or has a hidden agenda. However, back to the subject of planting true love. I have learned it will come and find you. True love will not challenge you in an unhealthy manner. It will allow you to flourish and grow into someone you didn’t even know existed. No matter what your family dynamic is, no matter what your religion is, no matter what country or city you are from. Planting the truest love will grow at its own pace and one must trust that it is growing at the correct speed, with the correct purpose. And that even though Jermaine’s garden has way juicier lemons than my own garden, it does not mean that my garden will not one day have STRONGER and BIGGER lemons. (I love lemons)
My true love has found me recently and honestly, saved me. I have been overwhelmed with many emotions (mainly joy & fear). But one other emotion I cannot ever forget is how very blessed I feel to know that true, raw and genuine love still exists out there. One true love with no egos attached, no false motives. Just pure and ever lasting love. This world continues to become more depressing each and every day. For me, you can either escape this world in any way possible or you can make an attempt to change it. The sweetest love I have ever known. <3