Finals week is done, any school drama is behind you, and you're officially home for summer. While you may have a summer job, internship or classes to take, your health will probably be a lot easier to manage in the summer than in school. I know for me I was in five classes, on the board of two clubs, had an on-campus job, and tried to find time to hangout with friends, so it was difficult to work out weekly. Last summer, I tried working out at home, but it was hard without the structure that gyms have. This summer, I am planning on being committed, and going to the gym five times a week. Here's what it's like going to a gym at home versus at school.
1. Picking a gym
At school, there are the school gyms and ...the school gyms. Not much selection, but I know at my school the gym is fantastic. At home, I wanted a gym that was affordable, offered classes, was a good size, and had some people my age. Obviously not every place is going to be perfect, but I wanted the place I thought would check the most boxes.
2. The people at the gym
At my school gym, there are mainly 17 to 23-year-olds. A few adults here and there, but in every class I take, every time I go, it's all teenagers. But this place had little kids in the kid zone up to a grandma in my Zumba class. It was really cool to interact with people of different ages, genders, nationalities and religions. For example, there were four guys in my Zumba class. I don't think a Marist guy would ever go to a Zumba class.3. The price of the gym
One gym I called was $80 for the summer, but they did not have classes that I wanted and it was the furthest away. Another was $200, which was wayyy to expensive. But I settled on one in the low 100's, which ticked off the boxes I had. Also, many gyms advertise one price, but have an extra $30-$50 charge for "gym maintenance." When you ask them the price, ask them the price with that, taxes, and what that includes. The original plan I was offered didn't have the classes I wanted, so I had to go up a plan.
4. The classes
Personally, I love classes. They have a set time so you cannot push it back, and it's easier to work out when you can't stop for long since you're in a class. I did Zumba and tried Pilates at school, and I am signed up for something called Body Pump tomorrow morning. If you enjoy classes or want to try them, it's important that your gym offers them, and your package includes them.
Whether you decide on the big commercial gym or a local gym, I hope you accomplish your personal goals this summer!