Finding Success Under Pressure | The Odyssey Online
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Finding Success Under Pressure

Your success is not determined by your best days.

Finding Success Under Pressure

There are some days where these articles just write themselves. Some weeks where I just sit in front of the computer (or phone - a lot of my ideas are written in my notes app) and the words just pour out, as if I’m not really the creator, only the reporter. There are some days where I feel so good and so motivated. Maybe I worked out, meditated, had some good ideas at work - the good vibes are flowing! Those are the days it’s easy to be positive and enjoy my craft. Those are the days it’s easier to be an example for others.

But, what about the other days?

Not every day brings that same success; not every morning starts with a sense of refreshed motivation. How will I handle those days? Will I continue to be an example? Will I continue to exude positive energy and uplift others? How will I react when pressed against a deadline? Will my quality of work suffer? It’s easy to feel good when you’re on top of your game. It’s not so easy when the going gets tough.

Your success is not determined by your best days. Your success is determined by your worst days, by your stressful days, and how you choose to handle them. The phrase, "diamonds are made under pressure" comes to mind...

In order to really unlock your creative and resourceful mind, you need to be comfortable being uncomfortable. You need to be aware that tough days are unavoidable, and be willing to tackle them head on when they arrive. You need to develop steady confidence under trying circumstances. You need to find calm amidst chaos.

I was watching the awesome Steven Spielberg documentary, creatively titled Spielberg, in which he describes the need to feel uncomfortable - to be a bit nervous and unsure of himself - while working on any movie he directs. He says that if he doesn't sense this pressure while working, he's creatively stifled. Something about operating in an unknown space pushes his mind to think differently.

Spielberg's idea reflects what modern science has discovered about how the brain operates. When faced with a stressful situation, the brain actually activates previously muted or dulled portions of itself in order to find a solution. In other words, the feeling of desperation to find success in a given task actually stimulates your brain beyond its normal functioning capacity. In even OTHER words, working under pressure makes you smarter. Ha! Okay maybe not exactly ... but the effects of pressure and discomfort can certainly prove themselves useful, IF you choose to approach them with the right mindset.

The encompassing message this week is this:

You choose how you are going to interpret negative days and pressure situations. You can fold, you can cower, you can react; or you can thrive, you can lead, and you can respond. Don't view harsh times as some sort of punishment, "woe-is-me" act; instead, take them as opportunities, knowing that they have the potential to unlock an even greater, more creative, more resourceful, more successful part of you.

Failure and struggle form the rungs to the ladder of success.

*mic drop*

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