You wake up 30 minutes late for class. You forget that you have a huge presentation to do and leave without even brushing your hair. You rush out the door to class in the rain only to remember that you lost your umbrella. You have two exams to study for and homework due by midnight and the WiFi is down and someone ate your leftover Chipotle and this just might be the WORST DAY EVER.
We've all been there. We're in college — bad days happen. But those bad days don't dictate your life and shouldn't ruin your whole week. Next time you're feeling down and out, here are a few things to remember.
It's a bad day, not a bad life.
I know a bad day feels like the end of the world, but I promise you that it's not. Don't let one day convince you that there will be 100 more days just like it to follow. I know everyone under the sun has probably said this, but it's true.
One day does not define you.
If you wake up late for class just ONE time, that doesn't automatically make you lazy or irresponsible. It makes you human, just like the rest of us. Sometimes things just happen, and all you can do is pick yourself up by your bootstraps and let it go. People aren't going to remember you for the one time that you forgot to turn in your homework, they're going to remember you for how awesome you are and the great days that you've had with them.
The glass is half full.
We all need to silence the nay-sayers that disagree and think the glass is half empty. Choosing to be a pessimist is choosing to have bad days all of the time. Choose optimism. We still have bad days, but not as often, and we get through them by knowing that we can go to sleep and wake up tomorrow with another chance to have a good day.
Give yourself some love.
As Tom Haverford says, "Treat yo'self!" Whatever it may be that makes you feel better when you're feeling blue, do it. Watch three hours worth of Netflix. Eat that ice cream you've been denying yourself all week. Order that thing off of Amazon that you want. Chances are you work hard and deserve to treat yourself to something, especially on a bad day. There's no better way to remind yourself that you rock, and there's still some good left in the day.
Find the silver lining in your day.
When everything is going completely just not the way that you want it to, it can be difficult to see that there are still things to look forward to at the end of the day. But maybe you're getting coffee at your favorite shop with one of your best friends later, or the new episode of "Big Bang Theory" is on, or you have a social tomorrow that you've been counting down the days to. All of these things are silver linings. It doesn't matter if it's the smallest thing in the world, if it gives you hope and makes you feel excited, hold on to it.
Bad days happen, but so do great days.