I almost never have any downtime. Between classes, clubs, homework, trying to have a healthy social life, the gym, sleep, and grocery shopping, I am always running to and from something. My days are scheduled by the hour, and my to-do list is never ending.
In today’s Western culture, I know am not the only one with a busy schedule. I see it in my friends. I see it in my parents. I see it in my mentors. I see it in my teachers. Everybody always has something that needs to be done at all times. It’s exhausting both mentally and physically.
Why do we do we live this way? What is it about American culture that has put rest and mental health not even on the backburner, but off the stove completely?
People today are being worn down, there are even some elementary schools looking to get rid of recess! There are many full-time workers who scarf down their lunches at their desk in fifteen minutes, rather than take a full, actual lunch break. With so many things to do each day, it is so easy to put your rest and mental and physical well-being last in order to feel more productive. However, ignoring our need to rest is the least-productive thing that we could do!
In order to improve the overall quality of your life, it is important to be thinking of your mental health. Take breaks! Let yourself rest! You will be happier and stronger, and your work will be better as well!
The brain can only focus on one thing for so long without starting to hurt. By taking breaks, you allow your brain and thought-processes to have a time-out in order to recharge. This lets your brain function better, and will help you to lead a happier and healthier life.
So take that walk. Actually go on your lunch break. Don’t check your emails once you leave work. Find time to enjoy yourself. Increase your quality of life, and your quality of work will increase as well. Taking the time to rest is a win-win situation. Don’t sleep on your need of sleep!
Some ways to take a quick rest are: go on a walk ten minutes before your work meeting, take that twenty minutes after class to watch the episode of Friends. Go to the beach on the weekend. Spend time with your family and friends. Look up a funny joke on the internet if you’re having a bad day. These things are all simple activities that can have an intense effect on your life, and will leave you with a soft smile on your face instead of the frown you’ve grown so accustomed to.