Breath (Prana) is the universal life force energy that sustains life itself. Without it, life is not possible. One may survive for a time on life support, but life does not exist without consciousness.
Inhaling the energy of life allows us to infiltrate the power to achieve, the motivation to exhale and the inspiration to evolve. Inhaling the energy of life prepares us to dive deep, rise to the occasion and push against the grain. Inhaling the energy of life is what empowers us to achieve our goals, intentions and potential. However, inhalation can be positive or negative; it can be supportive or detrimental. Setting the course of good intent is vital when paired with breath (prana); like as when traveling, you would not want to proceed on your journey without a map; considering the breath as your vehicle and intent as your map. How well you focus on your inhale determines how much fuel will move you forward. Without proper inhale, your journey will be effected by the lack of fluency within the flow of your inhale. Deep cleansing breaths ensure better fuel mileage. But inhaling is only half of the process that supports your journey. Without exhale, your breath becomes overworked and overstimulated; your body, the same. Finding balance in the breath is both cleansing and purifying for the body when done properly. Deep diaphragmatic breathes supports detoxification, relaxation and the release of endorphin. It lowers blood pressure and improves oxygen flow.
Exhaling the energy of life serves to bring rest; it is considered a part of the para sympathetic nervous system. Exhaling the energy of life releases what no longer serves you from within and releases mental and emotional strongholds, bondages to old habits as well as, past and future distractions (regretting the past and worrying about the future). Trusting the journey of exhalation is vital when pairing it with your intent to release and relinquish control. Breathing (exhaling) into the situation results in wisdom, clarity and balance. Exhalation is the shock absorbent on your vehicle and the tires in which you travel upon. Without reliable tires and good shock absorbents, your journey will prove to be a bumpy one. Without proper exhale, your journey will be effected by the lack of restorative flow within your exhale. Elongated exhales act as a restorative tune up for your body's system. Together, inhale and exhale supports your journey’s destination.
It is important to remember that inhale re-enforces strength and stamina when exerting energy and exhale supports restoration and ease when resuming posture. Example: Rising to stand-inhale, Bending forward-exhale.
The breath of life is a precious gift. It is our first greeting into this life and our final farewell. Breath restores balance between the mind and body; reducing stress and emotional turbulence. Deep breathing stimulates the vagus nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system which results in the slowing of the heart rate, lowering of the blood pressure and finally a calming of the mind and body.
"When you own your breath, no one can steal your peace." -Unknown