It is well with my soul.
Since coming to college these words have had the ability to bring me a certain peace that I can’t quite put into words. For a period of time I made It Is Well by Bethel my anthem. I would sing it again and again declaring the lyrics over my life because it brought a certain peace into existence. When I think of those words I often think back to a time when I was hurt, when I was confused or when I was desperately trying to figure out why things happened the way that they did. I spoke those words over every situation in the past that brought me pain declaring that I was at peace with whatever may have had occurred and that looking back to it was no option.
But I’ve recently come to this realization. Yes, I feel that it is important to look at it from the past perspective, but what about the future? I have made the decision to begin declaring that whatever is to come in my future, it will be well with my soul. The future is so unknown to me right now, but today I say that whatever is to come will be okay with me. I know that it’s so easy to say now. I know that I’m not going through a trial that I may be going through in five years, but isn’t it so wonderful to know that it is all a part of a greater purpose?
The original hymn says...
“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, though hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.”
Whatever has been thrown your way and whatever is to come, speak this over your life. There is so much power in what you say. Choose to speak peace not only over your past and present, but your future as well. I promise that you will find much more happiness that way!