Finding Peace In A Split Society | The Odyssey Online
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Finding Peace In A Split Society

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity!" -Psalm 133:1

Finding Peace In A Split Society

It's pretty much impossible not to notice the tension, hatred, and downright turmoil that is happening not only in our world, but specifically in the United States (and if you haven't noticed, you've been staying off of social media for the past few months, and for that I applaud you!). Now I know I've only been alive for 18 years, but I have never witnessed this much opposition amongst our nation. It truly saddens me when I think about it. During my devotions this morning, I read about peace. This got me wondering about what God thinks of all of this separation amongst his people.

Psalm 133 is a very short chapter, but the message is very clear: "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" As believers, we are called to live out our lives in peace. Now, this is much easier said than done. As you have probably seen on various Facebook fights and Twitter rants, passions are deep with these certain issues and everyone seems to think they are right. There is truly no openness to opinions that aren't our own and no willingness to listen to the opposing side. I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to this. It is just so challenging to bite your tongue when you believe so strongly in something!

Unfortunately, many people look at the church and expect perfection. They think to themselves, "aren't Christians suppose to have all the answers?" or "if they were true Christians, they would/wouldn't be doing ___." I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but the church never has, and never will be perfection. The church is flawed because it is run by man, and we all know that man is flawed. Sin has existed ever since Adam and Eve. So using the excuse "I am a Christian so I know more than you" is not at all a valid excuse to engage in a political fight with anyone. Not even your most beloved pastor, rabbi, priest, etc. is a perfect human!

Instead of seeing perfection, the world should see the reflection of Christ's love when it looks at the church. Joy should be found within the walls and peace should be felt from within the people and their relationship with God. If there is fighting amongst God's people, then how are we suppose to find unity within our country? The world is full of chaos, but Christians were made to be set apart.

To be at peace, we must find humility within ourselves and let go of our pride. Surrender your will to the Father and turn away from your selfish desires. When you find yourself wanting to make a nasty comment (even if your intent is to inform that person), or refusing to talk to one of your life long friends or family members based on a different view, take a moment to pray and ask God for guidance. We have been so busy trying to defend what we think is right, when all along God just wants his people to live in peace.

Peace must start in your heart and mind. Peace must be daily sought out through Christ. Without finding peace in Christ, we will never find peace with each other.

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