This week has been nothing short of amazing proof that God has a plan and His timing is ALWAYS perfect. After almost two months of applying and interviewing for another job that would work with my crazy schedule and be something I was passionate about, I finally received one! When I say God is good, can I get an amen? Although I do not believe this would have happened if I had not made a few changes in my own relationship with God.
First, I had to realize that he has a plan for me and I need to find patience in Him. Patience is not something that comes easily to me. I am always early to everything, I need my texts to be replied to immediately, and if I want something, I want it now. However, God does not work this way. He has perfect timing in all He does. He has reasons for which we as humans can not comprehend. "But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31). With patience in God comes strength in time. His plan will reveal itself when it is right.
I also had to trust in His plan. Being rejected or finding out something you wanted just is not going to work out is upsetting. We have all been there. What we tend to forget in the moment, though, is that these things all happen for a reason and to our benefit. God closes these doors only to open new ones that are better. This is why it is so important not to put your hopes in things that are not for sure, but instead, put your hope in our God who is always sure. When things fall apart, remember that He is the provider and he will guide you to the place you are meant to be.
When all else fails, I come to Him in prayer. Neglecting prayer is a sure way to always be searching. Prayer in His plan and for patience will allow you to reap the rewards He has to offer you. "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:6). I only started receiving calls for jobs after a few people and myself began praying for doors to open; and not just doors to open, but the RIGHT door to open. Through all of the prayer and sacrifices, it is so important to praise Him for the blessings already at hand. He is listening to your worries and burdens. He wants to take these things from you, but He deserves the acknowledgement for His love.
I am grateful for the strength to not give up. God knew the desires of my heart and passions in a job and He delivered it. When things are not going as you had planned, or they are but not the way you wanted to, reevaluate and make sure this is God's plan for you as well. Prayerful decisions make for the best outcome. Trust in His timing.