Feeling scared? Lonely? Overwhelmed? Does it come in waves sometimes? Maybe you're an over-thinker, like me.
I'm here to tell you, peace is possible. Whether your anxiety comes from the fear change, low self confidence, or even just an awkward encounter at the drug store, you can attain peace.
Like any goal, it takes some dedication. Sometimes, you can't let your emotions take over completely. Every now and then you have to say, "OK, I'm NOT gonna let that super rude cashier at the grocery store get to me today. Yes, I'm buying ice cream again lady." Maybe even a, "Today is the day I will not yell at everyone that gets in the left lane and goes way slower than the speed limit."
Being okay with all of the big things requires learning to be okay with some of the little things first. If we harp on all of the bad things, how will we ever find the good?
We have to let some things go. Even when we have had the worst day in the history of the world, we have to choose to be above it. That doesn't mean you can't mourn the loss of a day you wanted to be really great that turned out to be really horrible. If you want to scream, do it. If you want to eat that ice cream that cashier lady stuck her nose up at, go for it. If you need to cry, have at it. Let. It. Out. Just don't: Let. It. Take. Over.
Ask yourself, "Who do I really trust? Myself or God?" If your answer is God, then congratulations, you are in the clear my friend. That is, if you fully trust that He has you best interest at heart. If you're questioning His ability, you're throwing yourself for a loop.
I told you this peace thing takes a little bit of work, oh, and a lot of reflection.
It takes realizing what exactly it is that is overwhelming you, and understanding how to work on it. Not trusting God completely is something everyone struggles with. If we do not fully trust Him, though, we are lacking the glue that holds us together. Without it, we are a mess of emotions that don't stick together right.
That is where the enemy creeps in. in times of doubt and confusion, we have those feelings that make us feel like we can never be content. We believe the lies of fear, and we allow the growth of it. We feel lonely, sad, and dissatisfied.
Not fully trusting the promises that God has given us is a recipe for chaos. In order to find our peace, we have to let him guide us to it. Sometimes, we just have to take a deep breath and be still. We have to know and believe that no sadness, no fear, no dirty look can hinder our peace and our growth.