At times, I catch myself thinking, "I'll be happier when I get a new apartment", "Things will be better when I have a new job", and even "Maybe if I was more like life would be different and better." We are all convinced, including me, that making more money and taking the lavish vacations is the truly happiest life you could live. Don't get me wrong, I am all about having success in my career and going on a few cruises every year (my absolute favorite type of vacation), but that is not where my happiness lies.
As we get older, responsibilities start piling up. We start depending on our happiness to be there after 5pm, on the weekends, or on our vacation days. Why should happiness be something we look forward too? Finding happiness in the ordinary daily activities is not an impossible goal even though at times it could seem unreachable. Sometimes we are looking so hard for it, waiting for the day we think will change it all or make things better.
It will never be perfect and finding happiness is not a destination but a lifelong journey. It will never just glare in your face or show up one day suddenly. There isn't just one kind of happiness and it does not look the same to each person. As I have gotten older and experienced life more, even though I have SO much more life to experience, these are 3 tips that have changed the way I feel through each day.
1. Talk, don't nag.
If you find yourself nagging at other people, does it feel like you annoy yourself more than you annoy them? If I am letting other people control my day and the way that I feel, I have already set myself up for failure. When you speak nice words to others, others will speak nice words to you.
2. Be happy with what you do have, not what you hope to have.
I always catch myself thinking that in the future, I'll be happier. I'll have more money, more experience, a better job, and the list goes on. There is so much that we take for granted. You have a roof over your head, a job that feeds you, and people that love you. But, if you had a different house, a different job, or maybe even knew different people... things would be "better"? Why do we convince ourselves that the grass is greener on the other side?
3. Stop comparing yourself to others.
You are not them. They are not them. You will never have the same life as someone else. Do not compare yourself to the girl that has the perfect life on social media. Do you show the rougher side of your life on social media? Or do you only post the absolute best-angled pictures? The only feelings you will gain from comparing is envy and unhappiness.
Happiness isn't hiding, it isn't waiting to be found. It is waiting to be created, by you. You can't look for your happiness in other's happiness. Happiness is your favorite meal, a nice day by the pool, a date with your loved one, a family movie night. Happiness is found in the ordinary.