As the second half of my college experience is staring me straight in the face, I have found myself wondering what my place is right here, right now. The reality of having to put my big girl pants on and hold myself up on my own two feet is terrifying, as I imagine I am not the only person living this moment right now. Facing my fears, sometimes ending in rejection and other times ending in success has steered me back and forth, up and down and in circles probably a million times now.
Its ok to not know what to do next, or not know where you're going. I have learned the hard way that planning my life out on my Pinterest board or in my Lily planner is not going to lead me to the best days of my life. It's the days that end out of the ordinary, the people that cross paths with us at the worst moments and the times I have hit rock bottom that have set me on the path to a new adventure.
Everything happens for a reason is the most true statement I have ever been told, although I deny it's truth almost daily. A daily struggle I assume we have all faced at one point or another is the misunderstanding that something did not happen how it should have. The job you had been dreaming of for years passed up your application, your lifelong best friend is a story of the past and you have changed your major four times, now officially a "super senior".
The challenge of becoming an adult has taken up more of my energy than any college class or job I have ever experienced. Living in a world surrounded by high expectations, successful employers and walking past someone on the street who could use a pair of shoes or a small meal leaves me wondering daily what my place is in this world, and what my place will look like years down the road. The only success I have found that has gotten me anywhere in life always comes down to letting the unexpected take its course and going where I never thought I'd be able to go.
Don't be disappointed when you let go of of the fantasy life you had pictured in your head. Everything happens for a reason, if you'll let it. My place in this world right now changes by the minute. Right this second, my place in this world is to send this message to you. Tomorrow, my place will change. Thats why we live in an ever changing world.