College is a period of time where you find out who you really are. This includes new interest, new friends, finding out your goals, and pursuing those goals. Whereas I am still in the process of finding myself, I found something much more. I found my faith in God.
My journey into Christianity started about six months ago. I have always been a believer, but I never pursued to learn more about the man I believed in. The journey started after a rocky summer. I was lost, felt so alone, and had no one to turn to. That is when I tuned to the bible to figure out something larger than myself.
I started digging into the Word, confused but trying to explore through the text. At first I wanted to give up. I had no idea what I was doing, and didn't feel any better, but I kept going. When I came back to school in the fall I joined a small bible study group connected to a campus ministry I set a goal to myself to go to the group and campus ministry as much as possible, and today I still strive towards that goal.
With the help of one of my best friends and my bible group I slowly started to gain a better understanding of what I was trying to pursue. I was learning a lot, asking many questions, and appreciating God more, but I was still missing something.
I've heard people talking about feeling the presence of God, but I never had experienced that. I was reading my bible, praying, and working towards a more Godly life but I still never had that experience. I felt as what I was doing wasn't enough, but I didn't know what else to do.
Fast forward to a few months later, still making my way through the bible, going to the campus ministry and bible group, I felt as if my journey as a Christian was slowly progressing, until one weekend I finally found Him.
This weekend was a conference involving the other branches of my campus ministry. Over the weekend I learned a lot, heard many great speakers, and listened to a beautiful band during worship. During our last night of worship, I knew God has been watching my journey unfold and He knew it was time to let me know He saw me.
The feeling was something I can not explain, but it was overwhelming, a little bit scary, but beautiful. That very night I knew it was time to take my next step. Baptism.
With the help of the girls in my bible group, we went out on a journey at 11:30pm to find a pool to baptize me in. Luckily we found a gym with a pool. and with half an hour before the gym closed, in big t shirts and shorts, I got baptized as a Christian.
The whole process was spontaneous, fun, and a little bit scary, but that is how my journey went to get to that point. So as a sophomore in college, I am still discovering my self, but I have discovered something much larger and more meaningful. I found my faith..