Dear You,
I know exactly what's going on, our days are probably similar. You wake up every morning and you shove your few pills down your mouth with a glass of water. Waking up always seems foggy, especially when you're shaken up by your odd movie like dreams. Most people can't wait to go to bed to get away from things but when you're head is running when you're sleeping how do you get away? You chest feels heavy, your mind feels full the minute you wake up. This is much more than sadness, much more than worrying.
The days like the ones that I just mentioned are the days we tend to ask "why?". There will be days where you question yourself and every little thing that happens, even stubbing your toe will make you insecure about who you are. You look in the mirror and your eyes fill with tears in an anger toward yourself, forgetting that you can't help it. You wonder what the hell is wrong with you and what you did to deserve it. It's like you go through the day so angry at what you have been given, but you're a bit special.
God gives his toughest battles to his toughest warriors. Everyday is a battle but you're winning because you're still here. And as you celebrate your little pitty party when you're feeling sad, you're forgetting the most important thing. The most vital piece to any life, acceptance.
Acceptance is something that comes so scarcely in the world we live in today. Acceptance by others, but most important acceptance by yourself. In order to overcome in any situation you need to accept it because guess what, it is what it is. You were born this way, this you, your head, your mind, your body, so own it. The days where you're sobbing at the fact that you were doing so good and you thought you were better but instead you can't get out of bed. The days where you're questioning why you even take medication in the first place if you're still having some bad days. The days where you feel like your loved ones are unaware of your existence.
Those are the days where you need yourself the most and within yourself you need to find it in your heart to accept yourself. I know it's so much easier said than done and it seems like this illness kicks your ass more than you kick its ass. Be the best illlness-ass-kicker you can be.
Lots Of Love,
Fellow Sufferer