As human beings, we are not perfect. For most people, this is something that we know, but we usually have a hard time accepting. We find it so easy to look at every aspect of who we are, be that physically, mentally, or emotionally, with such critical eyes. This is such an unhealthy habit to get stuck with because perfection is something that is unreachable. There will always be something about yourself that bothers you, whether that be your physical appearance, your job, your relationship status, your wealth, or anything else. It is a part of life, however unpleasant it may be.
However, this begs the question, when did it become so hard for us to see the beauty that lives within us all?
With the way the world is going now-a-days, it has become entirely too easy for us to forget about what is truly important. We have forgotten that our worth does not depend upon one single aspect of ourselves. Everywhere we look, we are being pushed to feel ashamed for lacking perfection and making mistakes in life, as if this isn't normal. We are being told that our existence is worth less because of our failures.
Well I say to hell with that notion.
Why should a person feel ashamed of making mistakes? Better yet, why do we feel entitled to be able to make people feel bad for making mistakes, when we do it all the time?
When did our society become one that exists to put each other down, rather than building each other up? Where has the love that we used to have for one another gone? Why does our society thrive on destroying the people around us?
Growing up, I always had trouble choosing what I wanted to do with my life, but the one thing I always knew for sure was that I wanted to change the world. Even as a small child, I saw the evil that lived in this world. I saw the sorrow that can drown even the strongest of people. I saw lives being destroyed by acts as small as evil words and as large as war and famine. I saw the worst that this world could dish out onto people, and it lit a fire within me.
Now that I am older, I still want to change the world. I hope that through my writing and whatever career I find myself in in the future, I can bring the change that is so desperately needed- even if it is just for one person.
I hope that I can teach people to love themselves again because I know how it feels not to.
I hope I can show a young child that what is on the outside does not matter and anyone who says it does should not be a part of your life.
I hope I can give someone the strength to make mistakes and still love the person they are after they make them.
You see, I know that this world is far from perfect. I know that it will never be perfect. The one thing I am the most certain about, however, is that if everyone made a point of trying to change the world for one person, this world would finally begin to heal.