"Finding joy in the valley" that sounds crazy I know. I personally do not know what your valley looks like or has looked like but I do know the God that sees it. Our lives are not always going to be full of just mountaintop experiences we've got to experience the pain of the valley at some point. My life has not been full of sunshine and rainbows lately; I have been struggling really struggling. Trying to get use to this whole being on my own, going to college, adulating thing and it is tough.
Let's just say God has an ear full of my complaining over the past two months.
Sometimes I believe that we get blinded by all the bad of the valley and forget the good. Not to long ago I heard this sermon about breaking to give. Matthew 26:26 says,
"As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples."
Is that not kind of what we go through. The Lord takes us in, blesses us, then He breaks us, and finally He gives us. When the Lord is breaking us and when we are in the valley it isn't for us to just feel sorry for ourselves. It's honestly not even about us but about what were going to do for others. The Lord is working in us and is going to make something out of all the hurt. So yes it hurts, it hurts really bad but the outcome is going to be worth it. It's going to prepare you to do things you never would've imagined yourself doing. It's going to help you seek after the lost and tell them about our Father in Heaven that loves them. That died for them. You may give someone that extra boost to making the Lord The King of their Heart.
So, with that being said find joy in the valley. Surrender to the Lord's plan for your life and know that this valley is worth it and tell yourself you're going to praise Jesus through it because He is worthy. He sees us where we are. He sees our pain. He sees our tears. He sees our mess ups. He sees it all and still chooses us. Is that not awesome? So here are a few ways I find joy in the valley.
1. Pray
We can not do it on our own so do not even try. Talk to God about how you feel. Get it all out. Cry to the Lord tell Him how bad its hurting; although, He already knows your pain He still wants you to tell Him. Sometimes getting all your emotions and feelings out there allows you to see what the Lord is doing.
2. Turn on some Jesus jams
I know that when I am in a valley worshipping the Lord always reminds me why I do it and it brings me this happiness that no other thing could give. If Jesus never did anything else for us if dying on the cross and saving us from sin is the only thing, He ever did that would be enough to praise Him for. He took your death sentence. He took your punishment. He paid our debt. Remembering these things brings me joy. Knowing that nothing I could ever go through in this life could be as a bad as what Jesus, a perfect man freely took on the Cross for me.
3. Talk to other believers
Sometimes other believers have gone through or are going through the same things we are. We need to seek advice from them and seek prayer from them. Do not be afraid to speak up and talk about what you're going through. They can help keep you accountable and just speak life and joy into you.
So with all that being said I really just encourage you to choose joy when you find it. Don't allow your circumstance dictate your happiness or your heart. Find joy in the valleys of Life.