By now, I’m sure you know exactly who Chewbacca Mom is. Candace Payne’s video of herself laughing hysterically over a roaring Chewbacca mask has gone viral in the past week, and she has become a reminder of how something as small as a children’s toy can make a difference in someone’s day - if you let it. Payne reminds her viewers that “it’s the simple joys,” and we need to embrace the little things in life that bring us joy. Now, check out a list of 72 little joys that can brighten your day.
1. Ice-cream on a hot day
There’s nothing better than getting a scoop of Rocky Road from your favorite local ice cream shop on a 95-degree day.
2. Sonic Happy Hour
How can you say no to a Fresh Fruit Lemon Berry Slush, especially when it’s half-price?
3. Winning a board game
There’s nothing better than finally beating your competitive family at a game of Settlers of Catan.
4. A spring thunderstorm
You see the first flashes of lightning, followed by a deep roll of thunder that makes your heart jump. You wait patiently, smiling when the rain begins to pour heavily on the roof, the smell of the rain permeating the house. Plus, no matter how old you get, it’s always fun to jump in a large puddle.
5. Babies
Baby laughter, baby feet, chubby baby arms, little baby smiles. You get it.
6. Clean laundry
The smell of clean, fresh clothes is the best - especially when you finally wash your favorite pair of jeans or oversized sweater.
7. Going to bed with freshly shaved legs and clean sheets
Pure bliss. Period.
8. Movie nights
Popcorn, junk food, blanket nests, and friends.
9. Buying a new book
Sure, you paid a few extra bucks to shop at Barnes and Noble instead of online at Amazon, but it’s wonderful to hold a new, unread book in your hands, the pages crisp and the binding stiff.
10. Lake days
It’s a fun day of lounging, swimming, sunburns, country music, and messy lake hair. Plus, you didn’t go to the lake if you don’t have a cliché picture jumping off of the dock.
11. Rereading your favorite book
Because once just wasn’t enough.
12. Binge-watching a Netflix show with your best friends
The hardest part is deciding among all of your favorite shows. Friends? Bob’s Burgers? That 70s Show? The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? Parks and Rec? The options are endless.
13. Re-watching your favorite movie or TV series
Sure, you’ve seen every episode of Friends multiple times, but that doesn’t mean you can’t watch it again for the umpteenth time. (And “The One With the Proposal” never fails to make you cry, no matter how many times you’ve seen that episode.
14. Going home for the first time in a while
It’s the end of the semester, and you’ve finished a year at college. After a long drive home, there is nothing better than walking in the door and feeling all of your worries lift off of your shoulders.
15. Baby animals
I mean, look at this duckling. Case closed.
16. New shoes
Whether it’s a pair of classy heels, Birkenstocks, stark-white Converse, or animal-themed fuzzy slippers, a new pair of shoes can make you feel like a new person. Like Forest Gump said, “My mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they going, where they been.”
17. Fuzzy socks
They’re great for keeping your feet warm, sliding around the kitchen floor, and making quite a fashion statement.
18. Making your FitBit step goal for the day
Sometimes it’s harder than you think to make 10,000 steps a day, and it requires you to jog in place, walk in circles, or go up and down stairs at 11:50 PM to make up the remaining 400 steps by midnight.
19. A home-cooked meal
No one makes a pot roast and mashed potatoes better than Mom - especially after living off of cafeteria food for months at a time.
20. Curling up with a blanket and a book
In the midst of a stressful semester or week of work, sometimes you just have to set aside some time to relax and read. So, find your coziest blanket, curl up on the couch, and get lost in a new book.
21. Long walks
Whether alone or with someone, nothing can clear your head more than a long walk. Put on a pair of comfy shoes, take a break, and go for a hike, a walk around the block, or explore somewhere new.
22. A warm cup of coffee or tea
A fresh cup of coffee in the morning, or a hot cup of tea before bed...either way, both are equally wonderful and relaxing.
23. Wildflowers
Living in Colorado, I am constantly surrounded by wildflowers in the summer. As kids, we always used to make little bouquets of blue flax, dandelions, Indian paintbrush, and white clover (many of which we didn’t realize were weeds, but our mom appreciated them nonetheless) to bring inside for the dinner table.
24. Stepping on dry, fallen leaves
The light crunch underneath your feet is oddly satisfying.
25. Stargazing
Living in the middle of the mountains, I get a fantastic view of the stars. Without the haze from the city lights, the stars seem to go on forever and ever. Plus, it’s always exciting when you can point out a constellation you know.
26. A long hug
Sometimes you just need a good hug...Maybe you’ve had a rough day, or you’re crazy stressed, or just a little cuddly, but you’re always thankful for that person who comes around and gives you the hug you need.
27. A favorite pair of old jeans
Everyone has that favorite pair of jeans that they just keep holding onto, even if they are covered in random holes, the denim is worn through, or they are incredibly faded. A loose, soft pair of old jeans are life-changing.
28. Hearing your favorite song on the radio
You know how this goes...You immediately turn the volume up as loud as it can go and proceed to belt out the lyrics, without a care in the world about who might see you.
29. Waterslides
I mean, who doesn’t love waterslides?!
30. Random acts of kindness
Whether someone left money at the vending machine, paid for your parking meter, or bought your meal at McDonald’s, a small act of kindness can go a long way.
31. The smell of an old book
When you walk into a used bookstore, you can immediately smell the old, brittle pages of antique books, and nothing makes you happier.
32. Freshly baked cookies
Not only does the house smell wonderful, but everyone loves a soft cookie, fresh out of the oven.
33. Finishing a puzzle
To quote my friend Stephanie, “Nothing beats the feeling of a nice finished puzzle.”
34. Going barefoot
Walking over grass, accidentally burning your feet on hot cement, dipping your feet in a pool of water, walking around the house - your feet smacking on hardwood, then padding softly on the carpet...If you’re like me and you hate wearing shoes or socks, your feet are covered in calluses, but that’s okay with you.
35. Random compliments
Sincere compliments are the way to make my day.
36. Candles
Not a Scentsy pot - there’s a huge difference.
37. Handwritten notes
No one really writes letters or personal notes anymore, so it’s always special when you receive one, written carefully by a friend or family member. It shows that they care, that they were thinking of you, and that they put an effort into making sure that you know it.
38. Finding money in your pocket
Even if it’s just a couple bucks or a few quarters (yay, laundry money!), finding spare change in a purse or in a pocket of your jeans can always brighten your day.
39. Naps
“Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two…” - Winnie the Pooh
40. Accents
If you grew up in the midwest, like me, where everyone’s speech was plain, then any sort of accent - whether Southern or British - is guaranteed to make you smile.
41. Hitting all green lights
You know those times when you’re in a hurry, and the stoplight gods are working in your favor; you somehow manage to get green lights all the way to your destination, and it’s THE BEST.
42. Getting the window seat on a plane
You can watch the plane take off and land, see the sunset or rise (depending on the flight time) and have a place to rest your head when you get sleepy. Plus, it makes for a great opportunity to get some shots of your travels for Instagram or Snapchat.
43. Taking off your bra after a long day
Ladies, this one's for you. You know that wonderful, relaxing feeling of unsnapping your bra and letting the girls go free.
44. Getting a mixtape
No gift feels more personal than a mixtape from a friend or loved one (thanks, Em!). They spent the time to pick and choose each song they feel fits your music taste and personality, and then put them all in the perfect order.
45. Getting bubble-wrap in a package
Forget the item you received, popping the bubble-wrap is the best part! Even as a college student, my friend Abbey received a package and proceeded to set the items aside and immediately begin popping the bubble wrap. Not even residence hall quiet hours can stop bubble wrap popping...
46. Flipping your pillow over to the cold side
Everyone does it, and it’s GREAT. Enough said.
47. When someone says, “You remind me of this person I know…” with a smile.
Especially when it comes from someone you admire, you love it when someone smiles widely and proceeds to tell you all of the good things about someone they know who you remind them of.
48. Full moons
The sky is dark and the stars are out, but the light of the big moon shines bright, illuminating the street, and becoming the center of focus. You can clearly see the Man on the Moon, and the luminosity of the white orb makes the world just that much more beautiful.
49. Waking up and realizing you still have time before your alarm goes off
Even fifteen more minutes of sleep can make your day.
50. Answering correctly on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune
You answer one question or puzzle right, then all of a sudden, you get a big head and feel like you could win the show. And then, even if you don’t answer (or you answer wrong), the answer you were thinking of or the right answer was always your next choice.
51. Having a full tank of gas
We all know how stressful it is to have an empty tank of gas, especially when you’re a poor college kid like me and every dollar counts. Having a full tank of gas is just another thing that takes a little bit of stress away.
52. The smell of freshly ground coffee
The welcoming smell when you walk into Starbucks, your local coffee shop, the coffee aisle in the grocery store, or after you brew a fresh mug of coffee with your Keurig...
53. Laughing so hard your stomach hurts
Whether it’s caused by a ridiculous joke, reminiscing on a funny moment with your friends, someone else’s weird laugh, or something you can’t even remember anymore (and you’re still laughing even though you don’t know what’s funny), it’s always refreshing to laugh until your stomach hurts. That counts as an ab workout, right?
54. Popping your back
The pressure and tension disappear with a swift crack to the back. If you’re lucky, you have a friend who is a back-popping wizard (shout-out to Stephanie).
55. Reminiscing on your childhood
The fun photos, the embarrassing middle school outfits, the weird trends (hair feathers, anyone?), and the lifelong’s always refreshing to go through old photos, hear a song that brings you back to a specific place or is tied to a memory, or revisit a place from your past. (Side note, when my brothers and I were little, we went to Santa’s Workshop - a Christmas themed amusement park in Colorado - every single summer. When I was 18, I worked there for a summer as an elf - complete with a red and green outfit, suspenders, and a bowtie - so I basically relived memories of my childhood every day.)
56. Giving the perfect gift
You spent weeks hunting down the ultimate present for someone, and it was nearly impossible to keep from giving it to them early because you knew that they would love it. Nothing beats the smile beaming on someone’s face when they open up the perfect gift.
57. Wearing an oversized sweater
Whether it’s cold outside, there is a thunderstorm, or it’s just a lazy day, throwing on an extra-large sweater or a sweatshirt just adds to the “comfy” factor.
58. Latte art
First of all, you have coffee which is a huge plus. THEN, you add pretty flowers and designs into the latte foam? Could you even ask for more?
59. Successfully parallel parking
Ok, I’ll admit, I’m a terrible parallel parker, so I avoid it as much as possible. I’ll even park a block away from my destination if it means I don’t have to try to parallel park. But, those times that I’ve done it right, I’ve never felt prouder. You know what I’m talking get out of your car, look at your fantastic parking job, and walk proudly towards your destination.
60. Watching a Polaroid picture develop
Polaroids are cute, and it’s fun to watch them slowly change from a blank square to a picture of you and your friends goofing off.
61. Guilty pleasures
Nicholas Sparks, Little Debbie Snack Cakes (nothing beats the holiday-themed, calorie-filled, heaven-sent desserts), Hallmark movies (specifically the Christmas specials), celebrity gossip...the list could go on and on. We all have our guilty pleasures...
62. Christmas light displays
It means that Christmas is near, people are excited, and the neighborhoods are decorated in bright, colorful light displays (and the same Nativity scene that everyone bought from Walmart that year).
63. Listening to little kids tell stories
Kids are great. They don’t have any apprehensions, and even though it may take them forever to find the right words, their stories are always worth it.
64. Baseball games
Hotdogs. Peanuts and Cracker Jacks. Cheering fans. America.
65. Being able to quote the entirety of your favorite movie
“Stop trying to make fetch happen!” “My little Buttercup has the sweetest smile…” “We’re all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it.” “Rodents of unusual size? I don’t believe they exist.”
66. Marriage proposal videos
You can’t deny the fact that proposal videos are the cutest. You’ve gotten to a point where you can’t scroll past them on Facebook, and you even have favorites.
67. Brunch
My college serves Sunday brunch every week, and it is heavenly. Unlimited french toast, bacon, apple dumplings, and fresh fruit? Yes, please!
68. Wishing on a shooting star, an eyelash, or 11:11
It’s cliche, but you’d be lying if you said that you’ve never wished on a star or thought up a dream at 11:11 that you wanted to come true. Even though we know that birthday candle wishes don’t come true, we continue to make them anyway. We still have hope that they will somehow come true, and that’s okay.
69. Making a list and crossing off every item as you finish it
It’s so satisfying to complete a list. To be honest, sometimes I complete a task that wasn’t on my “to do” list, and I add it just so I can cross it off.
70. Pretending to use the Force when going through automatic doors
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together."
71. Fun facts
“Although they are still susceptible to death by disease or attacks, lobsters can theoretically live forever because getting older does not raise their chance of dying. An enzyme known as telomerase prevents the DNA in lobsters' cells from being damaged as they are replicated.”
72. Being able to rap an entire song
Lin Manuel Miranda. “Hamilton.” Enough said.
Don’t forget to recognize the little things in life that can brighten your day. They may be cliche or not really matter in the long run, but these little joys are important. Like Chewbacca Mom, remember to always look for reasons to be “a happy Chewbacca!”