As college students, we often times carry a lot of stress in our lives. Between class, work, extra curricular activities, and friends and family, we have a lot going on. Most of the time, we’re broke or have little funds since we pay bills or whatever.
In my case, I’m also married while in about being stressed out. However, I’ve realized here lately that I don’t have to let stress win. I can find joy in the small things. By having that outlook on life, I’ve found myself to be a lot happier with each day that passes.
So I've decided to compile a little list of small things that could bring lots of joy to your life.
1. Turn off your phone and relax
We live in a world that is run by technology, and communication in our generation suffers greatly because of it. Between text messages, phone calls, Facebook, and other social media sites, we are missing opportunities to make great connections with people. Turn your phone on vibrate and just relax. Do something for yourself or with your friends. Have a face-to-face conversation about your day. Talk about what’s going on in your lives. Catch up on what you missed while you were on your phone.
2. Make a homemade dinner
My husband and I recently made homemade pizzas for dinner and baked cookies for dessert. It was an absolute blast! You don’t have to do this with a significant other. You can do it with friends or even by yourself. Try a new recipe you found on Pinterest! Teach yourself how to make your grandma’s famous apple pie! It’s even kind of a stress reliever to get in the kitchen and get your hands on something. Make a mess! You can clean it up later!
3. Go on a small adventure
I’m not talking drive to Six Flags and blow all your money. Even though that’s adventurous, it can be expensive. Go for a drive with a good friend. My best friend and I like to go take pictures in the woods or drive out into the country just to get a little further away from real life. Find some pretty flowers and give them to someone to make their day better. You can always find beauty around you. Escape for a little while, and I promise you’ll feel better.
4. Be a kid for a day
One thing I started doing when I got to college was embracing my inner child. My friends and I have regular Disney movie nights and game nights. For Mother’s Day this year, I colored my mom a picture and made her a hand print card. She loved it (or so she said)! It’s okay to act like a kid sometimes. It’s actually pretty refreshing. Grab a friend and some crayons! Do a puzzle. Dress up like princesses and have a tea party! Whatever you did as a child, do it now!
5. Laugh often
Even on days when you feel like you couldn’t possibly take another step without dying, laugh. Laugh at yourself if you have to! This is something I find myself doing on a regular basis. Watch a funny movie on Netflix. Go to a comedy show. Get together with your family and talk about their funniest moments. Your happiness depends on you!
Slowing life down in college is one of the most difficult things to do. We are in a world where we have to grow up fast in order to survive. Getting that degree means getting a job and having to be a real adult, but it doesn’t have to be so scary. Surround yourself with people who bring joy to your life and put distance between yourself and those who don’t. It may be hard, but it will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. Be you, be happy, and find joy in the small things in life.