I am a writer and I write a lot. As such, it can be difficult to find something to write about. Sometimes it can just be because of my mood or maybe even stress. However, it has never ceased to amaze me how powerful my imagination can be. And I know I cannot be the only writer or artist out there that has such an active imagination.
Inspiration can literally be found anywhere you look. It is one of the great things about creativity and imagination. A simple potted plant can turn into a magical cure for lycanthropy in the blink of an eye. Or a single word can bring about the most amazing story you have ever heard.
I have always found that nature can bring the greatest of inspirations. This planet is full of wondrous things just waiting to be explored. Trees, rivers, caves, and oceans are just a few places that you can allow your imagination to roam. Ancient ruins and abandoned places are also great places to explore the imaginative process.
Animals are another great one. As a huge animal lover, I have always loved the idea of animals being able to talk. It can make a great addition to a story. Just let your imagination run with it. What else can with think of with animals? How about what is down in the deepest parts of the ocean? Or what could be hiding deep in the forest? There are so many possibilities!
Mythology and religion, believe it or not, are another of my favorites. They are really great topics to think about and if you are as open minded as I am, you can run with just the smallest idea. The creation of the world, what is after this life, and the supernatural are just a few of the things we can take from these subjects. Mythological creatures are a good one, as well. You can always try to create your own or spin off of one that is already thought of. There are so many possibilities with this stuff. What do dragons look like to you? What about mermaids? How do you see the world in these aspects?
Personal experience can lead to some great ideas. It only takes one phrase or action and you can do anything. Struggling with anxiety? How about a hero’s journey through the unknown to face those fears and overcome the demons? Every experience in our life has meaning and we can make it mean whatever we want.
That is creativity. It is what the imagination does. One only needs to look. It is always there, lying in wait- just waiting for you to write it, draw it, or sculpt it.