It's that time again! As we wrap up another semester and wrap up another year this is when people get burnt out or motivated to change! I want to change for the better through what I've gone through this semester, both good and bad. But I am going to go into the next year being optimistic and ready for change and improvement.
1. Write my book.
If you have known me for a long time, you have known I love to write. Writing stories is more of my style than writing blogs and news-like articles, so I want to write a book. I've talked about it but I have never gotten around to doing it. But after some long self-reflection, I need to write my book. Overall, I want to accomplish something and/or create something.
2. Get strong.
I have never been much of a fitness and sports-oriented person until recently. Although I do not go as often as I should, I really do enjoy working out. But what I want to see is results. I know there is a lot of work in having a body transformation but I think it is attainable. I know it will take a lot of work but I really want to know how people work out to get toned and muscle definition.
3. Make a YouTube channel.
This is my most personal goal, you always hear about people making YouTube channels to get money or become famous. But that doesn't mean anything to me. I want to have it to look back on all the memories and see my growth.
4. Lose weight.
There's not really a set number and this is all for health reasons. You are beautiful at any size. My weight has fluctuated a lot the past two years and I have noticed when I am thinner, I sleep better, I'm happier, and most importantly, I have more energy.
5. Be positive.
This I think everyone can work on. Too often we focus on what is going wrong in our lives but not what is going great. We do not give ourselves enough credit. You are doing great!
Those are five goals I have for myself going into 2020!