With so many bad things going on in the world, it can be hard to find the good in anything. In those moments, it is difficult to recognize that something good can come from something bad. This doesn’t just apply to world disasters but personal struggles as well. When something bad happens it is easy to shut down and let the sad feelings take over.
However, when you finally let the happiness break through, everything can ultimately get better.
There is no switch in your mind that can turn sorrow to happiness, and maybe that’s a good thing. The only way to get over something sad is to push through it and really let the raw emotions to the surface. Forcing the issue out of your mind is only a temporary fix. Sulking in the sadness can be therapeutic in a way but only for a short amount of time. There is a point when letting the unhappiness take over your life has got to come to an end. Once you are exhausted by the depression and grief, the only way to cope is to move forward. There will be better times ahead.
Losing someone sucks, but isn’t it supposed to? If it didn’t hurt, they probably weren’t a big part of your life. It is hard to get over the situation, of course, but chances are whatever and whoever is gone wouldn’t want you to let the sadness take over your life. I know that’s the case for me.
Talking about it helps. While I know it is easier to keep it bottled up and out of the forefront of your mind, once you get it out things become easier. Each person you talk to can give you a new perspective on the situation. I know everyone’s situations are different, but maybe talking about all the different types of struggles can help in gaining a new outlook on your problems. It is sometimes the people that know you least that are the ones that give you the most worthwhile advice because it comes from a place of objectivity. They might say something you do not really want to hear… but maybe you need to.
Getting together with family and friends and helping each other through the tough times can make all the difference in sad situations. Remembering the good things and thinking of the positives that came from the situation is the best way to get back to living life.
There are so many things to be happy about. We only have one life and we really have no idea what is going to happen. Sometimes bad things happen so that good can come from them. Being down for a little bit is normal, but there has to be a time when you pick yourself up and realize that allowing yourself to be free and happy again could change everything. It is not easy…at all.
Family, friends and even strangers can help you become OK again. It may be hard to find happiness, real genuine happiness. There will always be something that can bring you down and sometimes you succumb. This is the life you were given so you might as well make the most of it and live the fullest and most rewarding life you can.
“Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might. And when you laugh, laugh like hell and when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.” — William Saroyan.