It’s the beginning of the end - finals week. You’re at the tail-end of your year, but somehow, things keep coming up. You've got people to meet with, last minute tests and projects, and final grades that need to be secured by your exam. We’ve all been there, and we’re all walking together through it now.
It’s a stressful time, but that doesn’t mean you need to let it get the best of you.
Everyone faces stressors in life. From daily decisions to major life-changing moments, we all know what pressure feels like. During times like finals, it all seems to pile up, sometimes seeming uncontrollable.
However, we’re not called to feel crushed by our circumstances.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
We’re always promised that life is going to be crazy. We will face trials. We will be under pressure. We will face stress and we will have to work our way through it, but it doesn’t mean we have to go at it alone.
God is 100 percent along for the ride with us in life. He didn’t create us and then leave us. Rather, He is involved and interested in the everyday details.
When you’re stressed, He cares.
When you feel alone, He cares.
When you’re feeling crushed under the weight of all your tests, papers, and other burdens, He cares and He wants to help you carry your struggles.
By letting go and letting God step in, we can breathe again. Yes, pressures and deadlines will remain, but we can be comforted in the midst.
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Let go of the burdens you’ve put upon yourself. Yes, final grades are important - no one is going to refute that. But don’t look to them as the source of your value. Do remember that they are an evaluation of all you learned. Don’t let them have the power to rule over or crush you.
You are more than a grade.
You are more than a student.
You are a living, breathing creation of the highest God who wants better for you than this.
Even though we may do this to ourselves through our procrastination, He cares. His grace covers a multitude of sins, worries, and struggles, so you don't have to feel trapped. You are far from a disappointment.
God wants you to breathe.
He wants you to feel free.
He wants you to turn to Him with all of your worries - finals included.
So stop holding on to your burdens. Let go. Simply work to the best of your abilities. Take responsibility, manage your time, breathe, pray, and then work, but trust in Him to guide you and help you persevere along the way.
Don’t do it for yourself, and don’t do it by yourself. By the strength of the Lord, you can excel. By His grace, you will be held. To God be the glory all throughout.