Breakups suck, period. There's no sugarcoating it, and although it provides immediate comfort, that pint of Ben & Jerry's will ultimately be too little to heal the emotional wound that breakups cause. At the age we're at, and with our current surroundings, you're lucky and blessed if your relationship can stay afloat. With that being said, you are absolutely not alone if things don't work out. At the time, it may seem like the worst thing ever and that your world is crumbling down, but there's an actual silver lining to all of this.
First, you can learn from this experience and grow from it. Think about what didn't workout in your last relationship and work to make sure it doesn't happen again in future relationships. Oh, by the way, there will be other relationships. I know you may feel like you will never date again. Trust me, you will, and when you do you need to make sure you don't have the same problems as in previous relationships.
Second, you can use this emotion and channel it into a form of positive energy. I've learned that emotion can be a huge motivator for workouts, and the gym has proven to be my safe haven after breakups. Write, and I don't mean write text messages to your ex about how heartbroken you are or how you may be feeling. I hate to be harsh or the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately they might not care. If writing isn't your thing, pick up a new hobby! Whatever will make you feel better and keep you from pouring your energy into focusing on "what could have been."
Know that it will take awhile for you to start feeling normal again. Having someone you talk to every day removed from your life is so hard, I know. Also be able to strong enough to not fall back into something that was bad for you. Temptation is hard to fight, and not going back to someone who was so comforting for so long is even harder to fight. Stay strong and turn this experience into a positive one! We are so young and have our whole lives to live. Like I said, breakups suck. That doesn't mean you can't grow from them and learn from them.
Most importantly, and this goes for both the girls and guys that may be reading this, know your worth and know what's good for you.