Dreaming of college isn’t the equivalent to the official moment when you reach that point in your life. We picture a life and future fenced in by a tiny college campus for four long years. Before I left home, I had ideas like any one else. But these were my own undisclosed secrets that I didn’t reveal. Being locked away from one life only to enter another of complete freedom and independence is life changing. And I was one of the many college freshmen that took this new feeling and ran with it as far and as long as I permitted myself. But every Sunday morning, I could see myself looking up from a hole that I had dug for myself. But whom could I blame? This was my idea; this was the only image I had of “college life.” However, your future can be clouded with uncertain darkness if you are only living for the weekend nights and trying to cram studying into your Monday morning routines. I wasn’t truly unsatisfied with my choices. But the most horrific part was knowing there was someone out there who was even more disappointed with me.
Children who grow up in Christian homes have an incredible gift of love, shelter, and values handed to them on a silver platter. Little did I realize that I was one of these lucky children to grow up with devoted believers of Christ. My parents gave me values and morals and taught me how to live my life for Jesus Christ. Every Sunday morning the family hauled off to church, and I went too, kicking and screaming. I drifted off during the sermon, attended Sunday school, and asked Jesus into my heart and that was that. But now at 18 years old, I wish I hadn’t taken some many blessings for granted. My whole life I was safely protected and surrounded by followers of God who had my best interests at heart. But coming to college, I was completely on my own. No one expected me to go to church or bible study. I didn’t even have to talk about my faith.
And that’s how I lost who I was my first semester of college.
I didn’t realize how much my relationship with God was key to who I was as a person. Growing up as a Christian molded me into the individual I am today.
I found God in college because I went searching for something more. I wanted satisfaction. So many people in this world don’t know what they are missing out on. They are dissatisfied with themselves, their relationships and don’t know where to turn to. When I sought out God, my heart was no longer broken, my self-worth was replenished, and my faith and belief in something bigger than this world or me was restored.