As springtime rolls around, we are #blessed with an awesome season. Summer is approaching, it's finally shorts season, and school is almost over. Nearly every Greek member is looking forward to the same thing – formal.
However, the prospect of finding a date can be more stressful than watching who gets the final rose on The Bachelor/ette. If you already have a solid date you can take to anything, then you're one of the lucky few. For the rest of us peasants, we have to find someone who is tall enough so you can wear your favorite heels.
If you're in a panic about who to ask, look no further. I've compiled a list of tips from sisters that will ease the pain of having to ask someone to formal.
1. First and foremost, have options and backup dates.
Make a list if you have to, and weigh the pros and cons. This is an important decision, so don't take it lightly!
2. Make sure your backups have backups.
I'm not kidding, you might just need them. I had three once.
3. Don't be afraid to get rejected – but be prepared.
The worst someone can say is no… and that sucks. This is why you must follow steps #1 and 2. You'll be alright, kid.
4. If you don't have options, let your friends set you up with someone.
This can be tricky. Make sure the friend that helps you out has good options, otherwise it can be a disaster. Also, meet up with them beforehand if you can. Nothing is more awkward than meeting your date in that barely-there dress and trying to make a good impression.
5. When you finally make a decision, be ABSOLUTELY SURE.
Once you ask, you can never take it back. Seriously. You're committing to this date so make sure you've thought this through!
6. Lastly, formal isn't about that.
Formal is a special event your chapter puts on where you dress up with your sisters and enjoy the night together. If you want to go with a group of girls, do that instead. The point is to have a fun time, so make sure that is your first priority.