College is the time of your life where you can meet new people, have new opportunities and pursue an education. While college is often viewed as the best time in one’s life, it can also be a burden financially. Students often attempt to combat this by gaining a part time job yet lately it’s been hard to acquire one. In Tampa the unemployment rate is 5.1 % according to the Bureau of Labor Statics which suggest unemployment is a growing problem. Thus college students even more than ever struggle with finding a job-making college more stressful.
The economy within the United States is improving but recent graduates still face a tough task in finding employment. A recent report, “The Class of 2015” by Alyssa Davis, Will Kimball and Elise Gould, detail the problems faced by many due to a tough labor market. The paper attributes the Great Recession for the large rate of unemployment while suggesting “…graduating in a weak economy has long- lasting economic consequences” (Davis, Kimball, Gould). Due to the weak economy, the wages paid are lower. Wages from the 2015 work year are lower than in 2000 even when adjusted for inflation.
Another issue college students face when searching for employment is the increasing cost of higher education. The price of higher education has been constantly increasing for the past 50 years. With the increase in price, there would be more need for employment. Yet many people are forced to take out large student loans which most people take up to ten years to pay back. This puts a burden on a person and their family for a long period of time. Another aspect to consider is ethnic disparities. “The share of young black and Hispanic graduates who remain unemployed and not enrolled in further schooling is substantially higher than that of white graduates” (Davis, Kimball, Gould). This suggests socioeconomic characteristics further weaken the economy since fewer people are pursuing higher education. This means students fresh out of high school face a competitive field of people more experienced fighting for the same job, all only with a high school diploma.
As a college student, I wanted to gain more insight on this topic. I’ve had many friends inform me of their difficulties with finding a good source of unemployment. I decided to do an interview to gain more knowledge on the topic.
Maickel Diaz has been attending Miami Dade College and has recently moved from Miami to the Tampa Area. Mr.Diaz is a hardworking student , graduating high school with a 4.0 grade point average, with a great background of work. In the fall he will attend Hillsborough Community College (HCC) to pursue an associate’s degree in pre-dentistry followed by a bachelor’s degree in dentistry. As a close friend of him, I asked him questions about his hardship in finding a job.
Q: How long have you been looking for a job?
A: For over a month.
Q: What are the places you have applied?
A: Best buy( twice), Busch Gardens, Publix, USPS, a restaurant “Glory days,” American Air Lines, a few local hotels as well.
Q: Have you heard anything back from any of those?
A: Yes, Glory days said they don’t have any positions available however they were impressed with my resume. The others have not responded which is a little disappointing.
Q: As you probably are aware of, the job field is a competitive market. How would you say you line up against competitors?
A: I feel I’m qualified. It’s very frustrating that I’m not able to find employment when I have a great background of experience. I’ve worked for a variety of places which makes me well rounded. Here in a big city like Tampa, the rent is expensive along with college which makes this a necessity. A job would help drastically cut down the price of my tuition and rent.
Q: What do you think are some solutions to this increased rate of unemployment, specifically aimed at college students?
A: We need more jobs. It’s not that easy but the job market is extremely competitive. There’s unemployment for all age groups which means I’m in competition with people that have never had a job up to people with maybe 15 different forms of jobs. We need governments on a local level to create more opportunities.
Q: Do you think you’ll find a job soon?
A: Of course. I’m motivated and I know there will be some place willing to hire me. I have an amazing resume and people skills. It’ll take some time but I’ll get it.
Maickel is a great person that would fit well in any environment due to his ability to adapt. Maickel is excellent in communication while being bilingual; English and Spanish, is CPR Certified and loves to volunteer. He has an extensive background in work as well. He’s currently looking for a job, if interested contact him at:
The interview was short yet I was able to come away with a few key points. Most students that are in college actually want to get a job as it’s an extra source of income which makes paying rent less, tuition less expensive or even weekends out with friends more enjoyable. Second, all students want to avoid student loans (if possible). No one wants to be in debt, knowing the economy could tank tomorrow. Students want to enjoy their college experience without emails on the amount of their unsubsidized loan. Lastly, the job market is extremely competitive. There are many cases where people with a great history of employment are unable to find a stable source of income. This applies to college students as well. The market is asking for people that can do full time which makes part time even more challenging to find putting college students in an uncomfortable place. This means the best four years of one’s life may turn into a disaster.