"Finding Nemo" came out just over 13 years ago, and with much anticipation, "Finding Dory" will be arriving in just a few short weeks, on June 17.
I was 7 when the first movie made its debut, and I don’t remember when I first went to see it in 2003, but I do remember when I last saw it, because it was yesterday. I have probably seen that movie a billion times, and that’s in just 21 years. Along with my fellow millennials, or generation X or Y? Z? …I don’t know which I belong to, to be honest. All I know about XYZ is that they’re letters of the alphabet and they signify that your zipper is down.
So whoever my people are, we are very excited about this, no matter our age. Disney and Pixar will always have our attention and excitement.
Attached to the excitement, I have seen some negative comments and posts about the "Finding Dory" trailer, revolving around the fact that there is a lesbian couple in it. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, you can watch it here (around 1:07 is where the “couple” is).
My first question is what about this makes people just assume these are two gay women that are together? They aren’t touching in the slightest, and in fact, in the clip they don’t even look at or talk to each other. I think we all have learned the lesson about what happens when you assume something…
I have been a witness to many tweets that have stated things like, "OK, this is enough,” and this is "trying to turn our children gay."Until now, I haven’t really said anything about these comments publicly or even privately to my friends and family. Arguing directly with these comments didn’t even seem worth it because, with it being 2016 and there being dozens of outlets to get educated about the LGBTQA community, people like this just don’t seem to want to learn, and/or probably aren’t going to. There is also the business that we’ve always been told: if we don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all… anyone around me can attest that I am not the most practiced in that concept.
Some of the biggest arguments brought up in response to these comments are those such as: Do the people against "Finding Dory" because of the alleged homosexual couple not realize that the voice of the main character, Dory, is gay?
In all honesty, I don’t know how you wouldn’t know this other than if you just recently sold your two bedroom house that sits under a rock. Ellen DeGeneres is a big name in the entertainment industry and isn’t secretive about her sexuality. If you did know this and this fact doesn’t bother you but the two women in the movie do, my next question is at what age were you dropped on your head?
I am sure Ellen gets some flack for who she is and how visual she is in the industry. You can even watch a recent video here, and see one of the rare occasions that she responds back to hateful comments. You can see that she isn’t mean or rude; she doesn’t belittle anyone or get upset. If you have ever watched her show you have to agree that she does nothing but bring light and laughter to the world.
There were the age-old comments that “[blank (in this case, Disney and Pixar) is trying to turn our children gay.”
I’m not all that certain why you think it works like that, especially in 2016, but like the GIF says, it’s never worked like that. Now let’s say for argument's sake that the two women depicted are in fact a lesbian couple. It isn’t going to turn your child gay, and the age group you are worried about probably won’t even realize what is being portrayed. Kids just don’t catch that stuff, and the evidence of that is you, yourself. I know we have all watched an old childhood TV show or movie and heard the dirty jokes, the hidden innuendo and just blatant remarks, and reacted similarly to this:
Your child isn’t at that age to understand these things yet, just like you couldn’t when you were their age. Actually, until I saw someone point it out, I didn’t even realize that those women could be a couple. Heck, I mean I didn’t even know Dory was a girl until like two years ago.
What I can tell you what this movie will do is give your children joy, just like it will for any age group. If they do happen to notice the two women together, then maybe it will start to teach them that there isn't anything wrong with those two women's relationship, that it's normal, always should've been, and forever will be.
I think that people need to stop using children as their argument for everything. Have you sat and just watched your kid recently? They don’t care about much other than food and toys. They are innocent and want to have fun, and they don’t care what makes them happy. Something we can learn from the younger generations is just that if it makes us happy, why should we or anyone else care?
Now I don’t think there will be any problem with the box office numbers for this flick, even with those of you who are refusing to go or trashing it for such reasons. I know I will be there, probably accidentally trampling a few kids while trying to get into the theater. So if you are bothered by this very small part of the movie or if you could care less, my only advice to you was given to me way back when by a very smart fish: