With "Finding Dory" hitting the theaters, everyone has been talking nonstop about how adorable and amazing this movie is! For some of you who don't know, "Finding Dory" is about a fish who has short term memory loss, named Dory, who learns about who she is and where she came from, while going through an unforgettable adventure with (and without) her friends Marlin, Nemo, friends she's made along the way, and friends she's re-connected with. After watching "Finding Dory," I couldn't stop thinking about how each character reminded me of some of my friends, mainly when we were out having a good time. Even if you haven't seen this movie, you'll still get a kick out of finding which character best suits you personally, in public, and/or even when you're a bit intoxicated.
1. Dory
"Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!" is her motto in life. Dory likes to go with the flow and see what happens. She loves trying new things and being herself. She's outgoing and not afraid to talk to random strangers. Although Dory has short term memory loss, she will never lose her sense of trying to stay positive and having fun. If you're fun loving with a few issues here and there, it looks like you've found a Dory in you.
2. Nemo
Nemo is the youngest and the most innocent one. Nemo loves to laugh and have fun. Actually, all Nemo has ever wanted to do was go out there and have a good time without worrying. Nemo has a small fin and relies on dad a lot, but also wants to be independent, yet isn't the most knowledgeable on knowing how to do that yet. There are basically two options for Nemo: go out there and do whatever you want and possibly get in trouble for it or look confused and do nothing. Is this you?
3. Marlin
Oh Marlin... Marlin is a very protected fish in general whether you're his kid, friend or someone he just met. Marlin likes to play it safe and doesn't want to be caught in any trouble or issues. At first, he led his life through fear, which is understandable due to him losing his wife and all his kids but one, Nemo. But then, throughout both movies, he learns to tackle different situations and think "What would Dory do?". You're definitely a Marlin if you hate being in trouble and are always "mothering" everyone.
4. Hank
Hank is a septopus... he only has seven tentacles, yet could probably have the skill of ten octopuses. He is a pro at camouflaging and is an escape artist. He is intelligent and helpful, but he's not necessarily the friendliest one out there. He has a mission for only himself and will stick to it. He is dedicated yet has hidden self motives towards everything he does. In the end, Hank is just a lost octopus, trying to fend for himself and find himself. Are you a "Hank"?
5. Charlie and Jenny
Charlie and Jenny are Dory's parents who've loved her and have searched for her even till this present day. They've taught her everything she's needed to know from letting others know she has short term memory loss to finding her way back home using the pretty shells. Charlie and Jenny have bubbly personalities and love to joke around, but will always take care of you and love you unconditionally. If you're Charlie and Jenny, this might be a sign that you are ready to be a parent... or that you're just really caring and loving!
6. Crush and Squirt
These two turtles are crazy, yet living the life. They're both so chill and friendly towards those they know and strangers. They're willing to help out when it's needed and give advice to you when they feel like you may need to hear it. They're kind of a mix (sorry for the stereotypes) of Minnesota nice (friendly/helpful) and California Beach (mellow). If you're chill with anything and everything, you're a turtle.
7. Destiny and Bailey
Destiny and Bailey are two whales who are Dory's friend: Destiny was Dory's childhood friend and Bailey is Destiny's friend. These two have some major issues, but are always there to encourage one another to stay strong and overcome fears. They are super fun and quirky, but that's what makes them so cool. Are your whale senses tingling yet? If yes, I think we've got a match!
8. Fluke the Sea Lions
The Sea Lions are the type to oversee and watch the show while doing absolutely nothing. They basically love sitting on their rock. They also have a bit of an attitude and can be bipolar (as seen above). They're interested in new stories though and all the hype that may be happening. Because they love to just watch everything occur, they are the most knowledgeable ones, at least in their designated area. If you hate being in drama, but love watching it (or being lazy), welcome to the rock!