No matter if you’re still in grade school, graduating college or have five kids with your soulmate, something about being comfortable in your own surroundings is what makes humans, humans. In the midst of everything that seems to go right, something always tends to take a turn, and comfortable humans don’t always know how to take it. Whether it be a job that isn’t what you expected, a friend who screws you over, or that ever-popular significant other that never let you in about the secrets that end up breaking your heart. Something negative happens in your surroundings, signaling that you’re supposed to walk away from them, but it tends to be one of the hardest thing people face. Changing directions isn’t easy. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to leave surroundings that you feel comfortable in. Always looking for a sign or a change in fate and then not being able to act on it is what holds individuals back from reaching their full potential.
Being stuck and staying stuck are two different things
Realizing you may be stuck in a certain situation doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. Change could mean letting the people out of your life that truly have no interest in your desires: the ones who have no desire listen and only want to be heard all of the time. Maybe change could be getting out of bed to go for a run or eating an apple instead of that donut you’ve been eyeing down. Change could be quitting the job that you dread going to every single day to look for bigger options elsewhere. No matter what kind of change is taking place, it is important to continually remember that this is what you want. Sticking to change through the uncomfortable heartbreak of situations is what helps us grow.
Being uncomfortable is about being vulnerable
No one wakes up in the morning thinking about how awesome it would be to transition into a different life where you're forced to feel awkward emotions. Maybe it's moving to a completely new city and not knowing anyone or just starting to go on first dates again after ending a toxic relationship. People get so tied down to the idea that change is about trying to control emotions and feelings for other people, things and situations. It’s hard for individuals to fully accept the simple thought of "this is not what I want anymore.” Change isn't about control or feeling comfortable. Change is about trusting yourself and keeping focus. Learning to dance with insecurities and a roller coaster of emotion is only the hard part of the process. Go with it.
Patience is a virtue
Eliminating the distractions of the past and ridding yourself of negative energy can be hard to swallow. Individuals get irritated and upset when things don’t go as planned, so giving up and going right back to specific comfort zones always seems like the best option. People constantly lose hope or stop trying after one thing goes wrong while they're making moves to accomplish their dreams and goals. People don’t realize that change takes time, change takes endurance, and change takes patience. It's important to trust the emotions you're experiencing and allow your ambition to bring about the change you need.
Power of change rests in yourself
The beauty of life lies in being able to think of anything you want and then being able to go out and do it. It might take five minutes or it might take two years, but humans are capable of truly anything. People are graced with the power to change whatever they want to throughout their lifetime.
What are you waiting for?