You don't need a million friends to make you happy. To make you good enough. You really don't. It is not the number of friends to bring value to you. You are already enough. You are already valued. You are already loved. All you truly need is at least one friend. One friend who loves you no matter what. Who you know will always have your back just as you have theirs. A friend who you don't have to pretend with.
Who you can show all your scars and wounds and won't run away but will instead help you heal and pick up your broken pieces. A friend who you would do all this for in a heartbeat. It has taken me many years, and I mean many years, to find the true value in this one friendship. I do believe I have finally cracked the code. What I mean by that, is that I've found a friend like that and so much more.
She has been there for me when I need her most. Even when she cannot be there physically, she is encouraging me and giving me strength in a numerous amount of ways. We both have been watching the show, Supernatural, which has drawn us closer. We now have inside jokes because of it. We especially know how to cheer the other person up by referencing the show in some way. Whether it's a line, song, meme, or even gifs related to the show we know how to get the other back on their feet when they are stressed, having a bad day, sick, have anxiety or are fighting depression. When one has felt they have let the other down or disappointed them, the other one of us is right there telling them how proud of them they are and that we are more than our mistakes.
Things that make one of us happy seem to make the other happy. We'll be watching something or come across something Supernatural-related which makes us happy and think, "I know who else this will make happy," and send said thing to the other. It is these little joys in life that we use to make each other's days. We all have the ability to find a friend like this. We don't need a million. Just one.
Just one really great friend. That is all we need. We all have our own timeline for finding this one true friend. Do not stress or panic if you have not found a friend like that. It is like finding treasure. Not everyone will find it at the exact time. What you can do until you find that friend, is be that friend. The friendship I described is a two-way street. The friendship only works if both are invested in it.
The many things I described, work on being and doing those things. Be the friend you need and you will find that true friend in which you seek. It may not be exactly like my friendship, and that's okay. We're all completely different people. The strength we get from those around us comes in different ways. For me, it came through a commonality with the show, Supernatural. Maybe that is not what you need. Strong and true friendships come in all shapes and sizes. It is not a one size fits all deal so it takes time to find the right one.
Once you find that friend, hold tight and never let go, (metaphorically of course) because you have just found a treasure.