When you run out of gas.
Personally, this has only happened to me once in my life. I’m quite responsible when it comes to filling up my tank, but if YOU do run out of gas, make sure you have a sidekick.
You run out of toilet paper...on the toilet.
Now this one, I’ve experienced on several occasions. Whether at home, or in a public stall, we have experienced the last sheet of toilet paper problem. So, if you’re in this predicament, it’s always good to have a sidekick bring you a new roll.
When you're hanging a big frame in your new apartment.
Sure, all of the independent people out there can do this on their own, but what if you drop your nail? Your sidekick will be there to hand you a nail before you drop the sizable frame on your big toe.
When you need your opinion on the debate validated.
"Wait. Hey Sidekick, did Trump just interrupt Hillary 5 billion times? Did he just talk about Rosie O’Donnell during the presidential debate? Ummm… Sidekick, why is Hillary smiling like that? She’s scaring you too, right?"
When you're too drunk.
We’ve all been here. We all have that one sidekick to look out for us when we get sloppy or vice versa. Let’s take a moment to appreciate our sidekicks for saving us on multiple occasions…….
When you need a wing-man.
You’re feeling lonely, or old and need a night out on the town. Well, you need a sidekick to help your nervous self when talking to a girl or a boy. Nobody can do this one alone—successfully. So, grab your sidekick and get out there!
When you need your first like on Instagram or Facebook, but it's not happening.
Okay, you know you don’t want to admit that this has happened, but let’s be real, it has. If you have a sidekick, you don’t have to worry because they will like your post if need be.
When you lock yourself out of the house.
Well, your sidekick should always have your spare key and since he/she is obviously always with you, you should never have to worry about this issue.
When you lose your debit card.
Always, always bring your sidekick to the bar. You never want to have to stiff the bartender and your sidekick is nice enough to pay the bill, trusting that you will pay him/her back!
Okay, so we’ve established that your sidekick is extremely important in your life. He/she is there to help you during the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, this is the most important thing to know before you decide to find your sidekick: Your sidekick is not your B**CH. You are there to be their sidekick in the same way that they are to you. It’s a two-sided relationship, so be prepared for responsibility!