I'm a firm believer that your 20's is a time meant for you to find yourself and discover who you are. When you hit your 20's that's when the reality seems to really set in that you are now an adult, and that's not always fun. You ask a lot of people I'm sure you will hear most of them say that they at least sometimes wish they could be a kid again because it was so simple. I know I've felt that way before, but I've also come to realize I've never been happier with who I am than right now.
I like to think of your 20's as the 'selfish' years. There is a time in everyone's life where they are entitled to be a little selfish and what better time than your twenties. In your twenties you discover who you really are and who you want to be. This is the time find all your likes and dislikes, things your good at and maybe not so good at. At this age you've got nothing but freedom and time for you so be selfish with it.
I think I've discovered more about myself in these short few years of being in my 20's than I have in my entire lifetime. I not only discovered things about myself but new outlooks on life and I think that's what you're twenties are about; molding yourself to be who you were meant to be.
There will be some days where you just want to say...
Let's face it not every day will be a good one and some day it will feel like being an adult is just too much, but of course we can't stop time. Stop putting pressure on yourself to have your life together, and take advantage of the youth you have left. After all you may never get another chance to be 'selfish' and discover who you are, so take the bad with the good and make it all count. When you're in your 20's the world is at your finger tips; it's what you choose to do with it.