"You complete me," was a cheesy line in a Tom Cruise movie and I loved that line at first, but then I became to realized how inaccurate it was. The line is like the holy grail for the relationship concept because we're waiting for someone else to be or do something that makes us feel whole. But we are already complete, even if we don't feel complete. No one else is able to complete us, its impossible. When we put our happiness in someone else's hands we set them up for failure. Others do not complete you. You complete yourself. When your waiting for someone to come along and make it all better, you only end up either getting disappointed even when you do meet him or you get frustrated with your existence until you do meet him.
Let go of the notion that it's better to be in a relationship than none at all. Stop accepting poor relationships because the alternative seems scarier. If you are wondering why the happiness is evading you it is because you are not placing yourself in a situation to receive it. You have this feeling that the world will come to an end when you're single and not enjoying your life until you're part of a relationship is a guarantee for disillusionment, heartache, and insecurity. You can not make a good relationship choice out of fake happiness and depression.So stop listening to the lies and excuses and start listening to your gut. So be happy on your own and be good to yourself. If you cannot treat yourself well and love yourself, then why would you expect a guy to?
Focus on bettering yourself instead of looking for someone better than your ex. A better you will always attract a better next. So never allow your happiness to depend on a relationship because people are temporary. I believe it is a very special thing to find love. It is a beautiful thing that nothing can match it. But make sure you find other things in your life that you love besides your love life. Do your own things; have your own likes. Don't do things for them or for others, do it for you and only you. Live for yourself and fall in love with taking care of yourself. Stop looking for someone right away and just focus on your goals and rebuilding your life. Laugh with people you have nothing in common with. Eat good food. Travel to places you've always wanted to go. Do whatever makes you the happiest. You are not in need of a "other half" .You are already whole. The right person will eventually find their way to you. So for the time being, date yourself before you date someone else. Instead of going on dates every weekend, you should spend some quality time alone every week. You'll begin to learn to find happiness without having to rely on another person. Even if you find a partner in the meantime, you'll have a stronger relationship with them, because you won't always need them to be by your side to make you feel completed.