For weeks I have been feeling like I was walking in the body of a stranger. I was still me but living my life in a way I hated. I wasn't organized, focused, compassionate or self-loving. Many days I asked myself, "Who am I?"
I find that a lot of my problems are solved through conversation. I don't even have to talk about my issues exactly. I could be talking to a stranger and have this "ah-ha" moment. Mine came a few days ago when I shared dinner with an acquaintance.
We talked about missing the summer time. We were happier, more focused, days seemed easier. I thought about this after dinner trying to figure out if the season was the problem, or if it was just me? Because even this time last year, I didn't feel lost.
I decided to walk through everything that was a part of my routine and bring that back in my life now.
1. Self-care Sundays
Every Sunday, I would wash and condition my hair, shave my body, and do a face mask. It was a great start to a busy week and made me feel beautiful and at peace.
2. Working out
I was in the gym three or four days every week and it made me feel great! I was always so proud of myself when I left and it really boosted my confidence.
3. Daily selfie
Yes, as vain as it sounds I had a mini photoshoot every day. I would put time into my outfit and makeup so I needed to document the results. This also helped me to boost my confidence and for some odd reason, I could be more focused knowing I looked great.
4. Used my phone wisely
I wasn't necessarily on my phone less but I spent less time on my phone doing nothing. If I was on my phone, I was keeping up with my orgs, checking my email, putting things in my calendar, and reading up on news. Now, I spend too much time on Twitter. And I love Twitter but I shouldn't let it take over my life.
5. Meditation
Meditating and my overall spirituality were the main things that centered me. Lately, it has been a lot harder to put it into my schedule, but I know that when I do, I will have lasting results.
6. Journaling
I think getting your thoughts down on paper is a tried and true way to stay centered and really get to know yourself and see how you are progressing in life. I used to do this at least 3 times a week. More as my weeks got stressful.
Getting back to the old but better me is going to be the biggest task of 2018. I have to make sure to keep up my daily and weekly routines and hold myself accountable. If you are struggling to get back a new and improved version of yourself, look back to how you were at your highest. What did you do? Do some things need to be added or taken away? Write or type them out as I did and keep working at it.