That moment in life when you feel extremely content with your decisions begins a feeling of overwhelming happiness.
Content:to be in a state of peaceful happiness.
For me, Mid Michigan is where I feel most content.
I lived the city life, experienced Chicago and conquered a dream. Now that dream is just being altered back to my Mid Michigan roots. I knew my potential was greater back home which gave me the determination to make it happen and move back.
I can clearly remember several moments during the early spring months, when I felt content with my decision to move back. After leaving a event where I was honored for my hard work and dedication to the company, I still felt as though I wasn't meant to be in Chicago. Then again, weeks later, as I overlooked the lakeshore, the typical view I dreamed of since high school, the feeling was still there.
That evening, I texted my mom, “it’s time for me to truly come home.”
The spring of 2016 changed the entire course of my personal and professional life. Just 12 months earlier, I was applying to several jobs and only looking for openings in Chicago. Now fast forward, I was only looking for jobs in the Mid Michigan area.
I knew the potential was greater for me in Mid Michigan.
Potential: Possible; capableofbeingorbecoming.
When you really realize your full potential, you have no doubts. My realization came in January of 2016, a New Year and new vision for the future. Everyone that knows me, knows I am passionate in what I believe.
I am passionate about making a difference in my hometown, no matter where my career may have taken me in Chicago, I would have never lived that passion. Being born and raised in Mid Michigan has shaped this passion for who I am today and I am forever thankful for that.
My faith community is something that I truly missed while I was in Chicago. I was home for the week of Easter and I will never forget the moment during Holy Thursday Mass at St. Dominic’s Parish looking around and realizing this was my faith community I was missing.
Those I have grown up with, those who have supported me and cared for me. Tears come into my eyes. Once again another moment where I knew it was the right decision.
Before I came to feel content, I had many negative thoughts.
Who was going to judge me for moving back to my hometown after contently talking about Chicago? Would I be happy moving back? Was I ready for this change again? The more people I began to talk it over with the easier it became. I was noticing more moments in my everyday life where I knew it was the right decision.
And then I realized none of that matter, this was all for me. I finally felt my full potential. I wanted to live out my passion to make a difference in Mid Michigan and you bet, I got into my power pose and became determined to make it happen.