This life is messy. I seem to always come back to that. It is lying awake at 3 a.m. overwhelmed and tired and confused kind of messy. Its happy days, sad days, confusing days and the monotony of everyday in between.
I feel like I am at a point in time where half of me is constantly reflecting and trying to make sense of what’s happened in my life, while the other half is worrying about what’s to come after college.
And both parts of me know one thing for sure. I will be okay because I found my people.
If I could give anyone entering a new phase of life any advice it would be, work really hard to find your people.
I’m not talking about the “yes” people or the feel good people. You don’t need people who say what you want to hear always. You need real people.
Find the people who will tell you what you need to hear when you don’t want to be hearing it.
Find the people who will go for cold walks in the rain with you and talk about Jesus and life.
Find the people who will dance the stress away with you to Christmas music in October (or dance with you at any time of the year).
Find the people who know something is wrong without you having to say a word.
Find the people who are happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness, without you having to ask them to be.
Find the people who you can fight with and be mad at and come out on the other side stronger.
Find the people who support you even if they don’t understand your choices.
Find the people you can call up in the middle of the night and they will answer and listen.
Find the people you can laugh with, cry with, and experience all the ups and downs life has to offer with.
Find your people. Find those people who love you and love them back hard. FEverything else will be okay if you just have them by your side
Find your people. Love your people. Don’t let them go.