Have you ever had your world crumble down? Maybe you lost a job, lost a relationship, lost a pet or maybe even had a death of someone close to you. You feel like you have hit rock bottom and have no where to go or turn. Well let me inform you that there is only one way to go, and that is up. Find the strength to keep pushing forward.
Life can be hard and throw you many curve balls especially when you least expect it. Just in the past year my life has had many up's and downs when I thought for sure this would be MY year. I thought this would be the best year yet. I was significantly wrong. I have felt overwhelmed and defeated this whole year almost, leaving me drained with very small glimpses of hope. I was starting to not even recognize myself or my actions. I have never been in such a low place in life. There's somedays where you think it is impossible to find the strength to keep pushing forward. You ask yourself, how did I get here? Where did I go wrong? Let me tell ya, no matter how hard you try, plan and work.. life will always be messy. Don't blame yourself or beat yourself up over it. It is healthy to recognize the areas you can strengthen and also the areas you need to cut out. But don't let it consume you. Don't let your thoughts take you captive. Find the strength you need to pick yourself back up. Find the strength you need to wipe away the tears. Find the strength you need to be better. You owe it to yourself to be the best version you can be.
Even on your weakest days, find reasons to smile. Find reasons to be happy and appreciate the small things. Taking little steps towards happiness, will turn into big leaps and before you know it.. your life will be turned around. You are in charge of your own happiness. Life truly is what you make of it, and that was something I never understood until I was at rock bottom. Start with replacing bad habits with better ones. Start small and give yourself grace. Instead of hitting snooze three times in the morning, get up and make yourself a healthy breakfast to start the day, Instead of watching TV, maybe read a book. Instead of listening to music, find a podcast and fill your brain with something positive. Turning negative habits into positive ones can have a huge positive effect on your life. It is something I am working on in my own life. Find the strength to love yourself even on your ugliest days. Give yourself positive self talk and kind words throughout your day, Give yourself grace and comfort. Life is hard, you can do it one day at a time. Find the strength you need.