I recently looked at several articles concerning women’s rights in today’s society and was intrigued because of how creative people are getting. In this day in age many women are tired of fighting – the push for gender equality is a battle that has been going on for way too long. These articles were refreshing, and I believe they have the power to restore lost hope in communities all over the world.
The first one focused on a young teen from Canada, Erinne Paisley, who made her own graduation dress out of old homework. Her idea was quite the statement, and very fashionable as well. She created the dress in order to bring more attention to women’s rights – specifically within the field of education. It is made out of black velvet, scotch tape, duct tape and, of course, pieces of her homework. The teen stated that she wanted to “refocus the energy and hype of graduation on providing the same opportunity to people who don’t get that right around the world”. Peers approached her at the ceremony both intrigued and confused – but this gave Paisley a chance to raise awareness for a cause that is very dear to her heart. I loved her idea and thought it was a very unique way to promote a cause she was so passionate about – and that still desperately needs attention. Paisley did not want to overlook how fortunate she was for having the opportunity to receive an education, or the sad reality that education is still not an option for many women today. When asked what she was going to do with the dress following graduation, Paisley explained that she wanted to auction it off and give the proceeds to the Malala Fund. This fund is dedicated to bringing education to girls around the world and was established by Malala Yousafzai. Pasiley sets a great example for all of us as she continues to take positive steps towards gender equality.
Recently, a ground-breaking remake was released of the music video ‘Wannabe’ – previously put out by the Spice Girls – and it proved to be extremely influential. Many areas of women’s rights and powerful examples of gender inequality were referenced throughout the video. Celebrity endorsement was extremely effective, as prominent female figures within today’s society were featured in the video – many other women of all different backgrounds, ages and races were included as well. Scenes promoting equality in the fields of work and education were strongly emphasized, while powerful, talented women danced to the catchy tune of ‘Wannabe’. While the video was aesthetically pleasing and well put together, the director also did a fantastic job of sheading light on some very prominent issues within society.
Both the music video, and graduation dress can be a voice for women everywhere. They are compelling, powerful ways to speak a worldwide truth that many still need to hear. While women like Malala Yousafzai and the women within the music video are very well known within the fight for women’s rights – they also can help us see that anyone can raise awareness for this issue and there are many different ways to do it. All these small acts strung together can start a revolution. It’s time to get creative and start taking action.