We all have days that seem to drag on longer than others. We are constantly looking at clocks, counting tiles, and trying to keep ourselves from dozing off as the day progresses. When having these days, sometimes I start to question why I'm doing what I am doing. Why am I taking six classes? Why did I sign up for this 8 am? When did I decide that eating healthy and working out was the lifestyle I wanted? And as these thoughts begin to rush my mind, I have to take a step back and breathe and remember my motivation.
We ALL need something to push us through the day. Whether that "something" is a piece of chocolate cake waiting for you when at home, or a bonus on this week's paycheck; we all need something that keeps us moving along. Motivation is what should keep you striving for the next best things in life. So find yours and run with it.
What is my motivation, you ask? Some days its a Venti Skinny Soy Vanilla Latte and others, it's binge watching criminal minds. Ultimately though, I'm motivated by someone I don't really know and I've never met.. I am motivated by my future self. When my calculus class feels like 50 years rather than 50 minutes and I feel like I'm about to faint only 20 minutes into my workout, I remember why I work hard. I remember that my future self will benefit from every experience I encounter.
So next time there aren't any cupcakes left at home or overtime doesn't get added until the next page, breathe. And remember that each step you take now is helping who you will become. Motivate yourself.