We're all constantly looking for something. Something that will make the pain go away, something that will end all the worries, something that will make us unconditionally happy. The more we look for it, the further it seems to go from us. That is, until we realize we held the power all along. Happiness comes from within.
Cliche, I know, but it does have some validity.
Being happy during a rough time seems nearly impossible. You're dressing like you rolled out of bed each day ((which you probably have)), eating only things drenched in chocolate or grease, and constantly droning on and on about whatever he did that made you so mad or what she said behind your back. Take a deep breath, pull it together, and come to terms with the fact you can take action and fix this yourself.
1. Remove negative stimuli. Not everything can be removed completely, but make it present the minimal amount. Do not go out of your way for it.
2. Pick out your outfits for awhile. Look good, feel good.
3. You are what you eat. Although sweets are what you want when you're upset, they aren't going to give you long lasting energy, and often leave you upset that you ate so much. Put the effort into eating healthier foods, NOT DIETING. Substitute diet ice tea for regular, fruit for candy, fat free instead of regular.
4. Exercise. Yeah, it sucks. It will release endorphin, though. Endorphin make you happy ((or at least happier than before)).
5. Yoga. I'm not talking stretch your leg to your nose yoga, but just get yourself up and stretching. It will release a lot of tension in your muscles, which would add stress.
6. Indulge in the arts. Whether it's belting your face off in your room, painting, making bracelets, even coloring in a coloring book, find a creative outlet.
7. Stop checking social media every 10 seconds. FOMO ((fear of missing out)) is awful, but the only way to get past it is realizing you can't make everything.
8. Hang out with good people. Not all your friends will be good for you all the time. Find the ones that will make you smile and laugh till no end.
9. Realize all bad things are temporary. The good will come back, and you'll be ready for it.