As a young adult surrounded by a life consumed with both exciting and excruciating chaos I sometimes find myself dwelling on what could be or what could have been rather than being thankful for what I have and what I have come to know in my life.
It is hard to be thankful for the things we take for granted in life, because most times we don’t even realize how lucky we are to have it in the first place. We lose sight of our values in preaching gratitude and understanding appreciation.
It is so easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of our life and forget what it means to be thankful and appreciative especially in our relationships. Although we may not realize it, others are not as fortunate as we are in our everyday lives in several different facets. The saying it’s better to look at the glass half full then half empty may ring a bell.
If we continue to see the glass as half empty we will constantly be trying to fill and satisfy this hole of wanting more in our lives regardless if we have plenty to be thankful for already.
It is time to open our eyes and aspire to live with new perspective. See the positive in each situation. Complaining feels good, and hell even sometimes we just need it, to let off the steam.
Everyone including myself is prone to complaining but as a new resolution lets try to complain just a little less.
When you don’t want to wake up for work, be thankful that you have a job. For the times when your mom says you have to be home for a family dinner, be thankful your family celebrates good food and good company.
When you get too tired of walking around because your feet hurt, be thankful of your health that you have the ability to walk and absorb the world that surrounds you.
When you don't want to write that research paper, or read that boring book remember to be thankful that you learned how to read and write.
When you get in a fight with your mom because she just doesn’t understand, be thankful that she cares enough to challenge your opinions and beliefs.
In acknowledging what we have in our lives and valuing the positive, we create a new mindset, one that helps us see that although things in our lives may not always be what we planned and not necessarily wanted, we are more thank thankful for the life we are living today.
Each day is a new experience and a chance to appreciate what we have at our fingertips, to expand our knowledge on life, to redefine positivity, to embrace the unknown, and conquer the difference between needing and wanting.
Be thankful for the life you have, because not everyone has it.
And don’t forget to smile.
As Voltaire once said, “Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”