As I sat in a small cafe in France with my mom, dad, and brother, 4,233 miles away from home, I felt pure bliss. I was genuinely happy. In my 19 years, I have tried to live a life that I can be proud of. One that gives me warmth and hope. One that has dared me to live in a way that maybe others wonder where my drive may come from. Making the decision to be a happy individual is something that takes practice, rash decisions, courage, and patience.
Here is the list that I have derived up to this point in my life.
Learn about a culture unlike your own and travel the world.
There is so much more out there than the walls you live inside. Do not exist only in your comfort zone, be ready for change and accept it when it comes. If you have the chance to travel, do it. Only through an open mind can you gain wisdom.
Fearlessness is what gives us life. Have the nerve to take risks, to be passionate, and do not be afraid of the result.
Sing as loud as you can. And dance even if you can't.
Ignore who may be listening or watching. Hear and see yourself differently than the rest of the world does; sometimes it's our only chance.
Watch the sunrise.
It bewilders me how something so simple can give you a calmness like no other.
Watch the sun set.
The colors in the sky can be so captivating. Take a moment from your hectic life to see the simple but astonishing beauty that surrounds us everyday, and let it inspire you.
Be alone.
You need it. Just 30 minutes a day to allow yourself to be there for you.
Surround yourself with those that give you joy and optimism.
Spend your days with those who keep your life interesting and positive, it keeps us going. Your friends will be your cheerleaders, at times your enemies, your teachers, sometimes your mother, your strength, but always, your friends.
Allow yourself indulge.
But not too often. Good health is absolutely fundamental to a good life. Do all that you can to preserve it.
Work harder than your hardest.
Know that have so much potential; make something of your greatness. It is beyond rewarding when you know you gave it your all. Demand nothing but the best from yourself.
Do not compare your beauty to others.
We were all made differently. You are far more than your physical beauty; your internal beauty is what defines you.
Get sleep.
You need it to function, and it keeps those awful dark circles away too.
Be kind.
You never know how your words or a simple "hello" can make a difference in someone's day, or life. There is no greater feeling than knowing you brought joy to someone else. It will bring you joy as well.
Laugh more than you cry, but be okay with crying when you are happy.
It's okay to be overwhelmed. And it's okay to cry just to cry.
Have faith, in something.
God, a friend, a belief system. Have something that can give you strength, fight for you, and keep you going on your worst days.
Be honest with others, and yourself.
Do NOT lie to yourself or others; it will do no one good. Having others' trust is so important.
Be okay with failure.
Always assume there is a reason you don't get it right the first time; always learn something from those failures and acknowledge your growth.
But be proud of your successes.
Do not dwell on those failures, but instead define yourself by all that you have achieved.
Do not regret your past.
Be thankful for it. You would not be who you are now without a past - whether you are proud, or not-so-proud, of.
Love yourself.
Be proud of who and what you are. That love will illuminate, and others will love you too.
Love someone.
When you think you've found the "right one", allow yourself to be vulnerable. Truly, truly love someone, with all that you have, and do not second0guess yourself. But always be honest with yourself, don't mistake those feelings just because you want to love.
Have strength and confidence in what you believe in.
No matter how small or impossible it may be, it becomes less of something without your certainty. Have our own opinions, but respect and consider others' as well.
Listen to others' stories.
Yes, tell your own stories, but listen to others more. You will learn so much more about humanity and it will expand your mind.
Donate your time to someone other than yourself.
Time is precious. Time is limited. But it's important to share it with others.
Tell your parents you love them and appreciate them.
They gave you life. You would not be here without them.
Live one day at a time.
Fret not, but take a breathe and take in all that is around you. Do not miss a second of it.
Be thankful for what you have.
Always aim to be better, but never lose sight of what you have and how you got there.
Remember that you, you make your own happiness.
Yes, it has been over-said, but your life is a decision. It's a decision of the person you want to be, how you want to live, what you want to believe in, and all of that will give you the amount of happiness that you choose to have. Life is full of moments that seem complicated and at times unreal, whether good or bad, but reality is what the heart, the mind, and more importantly, the soul perceives. So be happy for others, for yourself, and for being given a chance to live in this beautiful world of ours.