Going to college super far away can be hard especially when you do not know anyone going to that school. Picking people to live with is terrifying because you never know what is going to happen and everyone hears horror stories about roommates.
But when you finally get roommates who you are friends with, who you spend time with, laugh with and are overall great roommates, it is a totally different game.
I have had my fair share of roommates (living with six different people within three years of college) both pretty good and pretty crappy. It was not until recently I got three new roommates that I learned how powerful having great roommates can be.
I feel that I am a relatively easy going person so I have happily picked random roommates (all but once) but never really clicked with the people I was living with until now.
The three most recent roommates that I have have been by far the most influential and amazing roommates I've had yet. They support me, make me laugh and always include me with everything. There are days where we do nothing but lay on the floor and tag each other in videos on Facebook even though we are less than two feet away from each other.
But most importantly it amazes me how much good roommates can change your overall life.
I used to be a person who rolled through the motions, got stressed WAY too easily, was easily upset and would try way too hard to live a perfect life. But now I am more easy going, I laugh a whole lot more, cry a whole lot less and am comfortable going with the flow. And most importantly HAPPIER.
The very first night one of the new roommates moved in, she knocked on my door and asked me to go bowling with her and some friends (one which was another one of our roommates). We went and I didn't know anyone but had such a good time. Before this night I would sit in my room and not talk to any of my roommates because they were friends while I was not very close with them.
Flash forward a month to day…
Two of us were home and both wanted to go out as a group and both texted the other one to come home so we could all hangout. We are always laughing and smiling, telling jokes, checking in on classes or just how the day went. I used to never want to leave the house or my room but now I feel weird sitting in my room and not being with them.
The greatest part about meeting these people is that I know when we all move out of the apartment in a month I will still have great friends.
You may have roommates that you hate, you may have roommates that you "live with" and you might have roommates that you love. There is so much power in finding people you click with, so I challenge you to find those people who make you want to dance around the living room and laugh until you cry.