Anyone who's gotten wrapped up in a new job, school, or just the little nuisances life can throw your way, will understand what I'm talking about when I say it can be difficult to find a balance; one aspect of your life will naturally take precedence over others. It's okay to devote your time to the things that must get done, but it's critical to your happiness and success that you find the time to continue pursuing what you love. It may feel like an impossible task at first, but after an adjustment period, you will notice things will get easier. Sometimes you have to rebuild from nothing, and sometimes you only have to make a few changes to get back to your place of content pursuit.
If it all feels too overwhelming, just remember to take a moment and breathe. Life won't always feel like such a whirlwind of events. You may not even remember in the future the things that overwhelmed you so much in the moment, but you will remember if you allowed those circumstances to take away from your dreams. Life is a balancing act no matter what, just remember to always provide weight for the things that truly matter to you. Keep pushing forward through the overwhelm, the anxiety, and the belief that your dreams shouldn't be made a priority.
Your dreams matter. Your passions carry meaning to you and the world around you. Don't get swallowed up in the chaos life can entail. Continue working toward that balance and see how much happier of a life you can lead when you make time for the priorities in your life.