Ever since I was young, I’ve always wanted to be able to draw and paint, and make beautiful things with my hands. But it never really came to me. My drawings are dwarfed by those of a 5-year-old, and on a good day I can mostly color inside the lines of a coloring book. This isn’t something that I dwell on or give much thought to. But over the years I found my art; you are reading it right now.
Art, as its core is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. This doesn’t even have to be limited to things that someone can do with their hands, or be something that can even be put on paper. A motivational speaker uses their words as an art form. An MMA fighter uses their entire body to execute their practice.
Everyone has their own art. Not all of our arts are meant to be hung up in a museum, or published in a novel, but that’s the beauty of it. Everyone’s art is their own, no two people will do the same thing the same way. We have to find what it is that is our art, and never let it go. Mine is writing. I never realized how much I really enjoyed it until I really tried it, and I fell in love. When my fingers start moving and the words start flowing there is a magic that happens.
Before I fell in love with writing, I felt less than I am now. And the same can be said about many. Look at the athletes, the fishermen and even the people who work on your computer when it’s not working. And everyone has something that they connect with. Something they use to express themselves. It can be something as simple as their style of clothes, or their speech patterns. These simple things are art in their own sense.
It is important to take pride in the art you identify with, because simply put, it is yours and only yours. More often than not we envy the art of other people, we envy their abilities. But why would you? Taking the time to think about the things that you could be able to do, only distracts you from what you can do. And don’t think about those who do what you do better, because you will always do it differently. Take pride in the fact that no one will ever do something the exact same way that you do.
So, do what you do with pride every single day. Walk with your head held high knowing that you have something that no one else will ever be able to have. Never stop trying to improve it, and if you have no idea what it is yet, then don’t stop searching for it. And once you know what it is, never stop showing it off to the world.