Life is full of milestones and significant events. For most females, we remember our sweet sixteen and the big blowout party. The age of eighteen is another marker into adulthood. And who can forget their twenty-first birthday when one can finally legally purchase alcohol.
But I think all of these events dim in comparison to being able to finance your first car. It marks the first big purchase in your life that requires a credit score. It's a big step away from used cars that need maintenance work.
Now any car will need up keep to keep the car running. A used car is a great first or maybe even a second. But financing a car is even bigger. It's not usually something you can buy outright and as I mentioned earlier it does require a good credit score.
When I first started driving I'll admit I drove a clunker. The first car I had was a 2000 Cavalier. When I got that car it was mostly scrap metal. Within a year I was onto a different car. It was still used but at least it wasn't scrap.
My next car was a nice 2001 PT Cruiser. I've had that car for nearly five years. The car has been great. However, the maintenance is getting to be a little much and is costing almost as much as a new car.
I've been looking around for a new car and done a lot of debating. The first thing I needed to be sure of was that I could handle payments for a car. I had just started a new job last November and wasn't sure how the checks were going to fall with my bills.
Then for awhile everything I was seeing was going to be outside my budget and what I could afford monthly. So instead of new I decided on a slightly different route. I decided to look at manufacture certified pre owned.
The other problem I have with finding a car is my size. I'm so small both height and stature that whatever vehicle I look at has to have six way adjustable seating. This is not always an easy feature to find.
For the past few months I've been looking at the Dodge Dart. I really liked the features and it was a newer model. Kept debating getting the car. Kept coming back to the same question: Can I afford it?
Finally my dad tells me that there are two left in a local dealer's lot. We decided to go look. The real reason we went to look was the new car that was more expensive but a good price for a new car. Then we saw the Darts. I love the Dart. So I got a quote.
Then I needed the financing. Now if you ever go to look this is where the credit score is important. Good credit means better financing. Was luckily approved for a loan to get the car. Decided that the payments and the full coverage were finally affordable. Went back to purchase the car.
I am now the proud owner of a manufacture certified pre owned 2014 Dodge Dart. I couldn't be happier with selection or more proud of my accomplishments.