Last year Stefan Vandenkooy released a spoken word filmed by Daniel Robinson about Finals week in all students' academic journeys. I remember coming across this video last year and being left completely in awe due to the fact that my mind was most definitely not in the right place when it came to tests in any subject area.
"Shouldn't I be singing hymns of gratitude to be able to sit in a classroom to simply become more intelligent?"
I have lately been in the habit of not only watching this video before my finals, but also when it comes to studying and tests in general. Not only is it important to give your all when it comes to your studies, but also to realize who it is you are giving your all for.
It is incredibly easy to get caught up in the scholarship searching, the shadowing, the study sessions that stop at 1 AM and pick back up at 6:30 AM, the jobs, graduate studies, soul searching, and so much more. Therefore, it is even harder to step back and reevaluate how you are going to use your education to influence others in such a way that they will be changed and want to influence others.
As Catie Blackwell shared in her comments over the video at this time last year when I came across it, "No, [the spoken word] didn't paint a picture in my mind of where I'll work, how many degree's I'll have framed on the walls of my office, and if that office is in a corner with my own bathroom or if it's just a cubicle. Instead, it reminded me that I'm incredibly privileged to receive a college education because I can use it to better serve."
Those who are looking beyond the money, beyond the self-gratification, and beyond the praise they may receive in their life, need to stay focused on what the true motivator in their academics is. You see, I am not sure what good any degree does you if you are only in it for selfish gain.
"You are not just students putting pen to paper for the sake of your own ego-centered GPA, you are in training to love people better. To listen to people better. To heal people better."
Students, your tests will never end, your trials will never end, and your ability to make decisions will be extremely crucial to not only your life, but the life of every individual you come into contact with throughout the course of your existence. Use your gifts and your talents for something so much greater that when it comes down to it your degree will not even be helpful in comprehending the impact.
These are the finals that are yet to come.